- Target:
- Drafthouse Films
- Region:
- Australia
- Website:
- stickytriggerentertainment.com
The film, The FP, was shown last year at the Brisbane International Film Festival with good reviews from both critics and video game fans and now we are hoping to bring it to Australia.
At the moment Drafthouse films, the distributor for the film's American release has no plans to currently release the film in Australia. The film is being released on March 15th in the US.
Watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zm3p0aNrOQA
Dear Drafthouse Films,
We the video game and film loving people, wish to tell you that your film The FP, will be watched repeatedly here in Australia. The film is a perfect mix of 80's action, comedy but blended with modern video game culture.
The work of creating a world and setting up an entire sport around the world of Beat Beat Revolution, mirrors that of our own dedicated DDR or Dancing Stage players, here in this great country of ours.
At the moment, we understand that your film does not have an official release here in Australia (or New Zealand) for that matter and we would very much like to see the film without means of piracy or having to deal with it on a tiny screen with a tiny DVD release.
We propose that us, the internet, do all your marketing and buzz and hype by talking about the film meticulously day and night until you either A) release the film here or B) release the film here and then keep spreading the word around.
I personally do not care if the film takes all of 2012 to receive a release here in our sunburnt country but this is a film that needs to be experienced with a lot of geeky people in a big cinema, with the lights down low, the volume up loud and some enjoyable food and beverages.
Of course, Drafthouse have said they are not in charge for international distribution. We would need to get an Australia distributor, such as Hoyts, Event Cinemas, Universal Pictures, FOX studios or any other major studio to pick up this incredibly clever and fun film and bring it here.
We thank you for your time to read this and see our many signatures,
Your Move,
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Bring The FP to Australia petition to Drafthouse Films was written by Harrison Engstrom and is in the category Films & Movies at GoPetition.