- Target:
- United Nations
- Region:
- Website:
- en.wikipedia.org
The United Nations was set up to promote world peace and ensure no country’s struggle or crisis goes unnoticed and unaccounted for. Just like the crisis Haiti is facing right now. Unfortunately, the current outbreak of Cholera in Haiti was introduced 1131 days ago by acts of negligence carried out by United Nations personnel: U.N. MINUSTAH troops.
8,459 documented deaths, 693,955 taken ill since October and hospitalized hundreds of thousands more while spreading to neighboring countries including the Dominican Republic and Cuba.
The ongoing Haiti cholera outbreak is the worst epidemic of cholera in recent history, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
This petition calls on the UN to provide immediate help to Haiti by providing clean water and sanitation in Haiti. This petition does not aim to challenge the immunity of the UN but appeals to its humanitarian principles. Because every life matters and every life deserves saving. This petition is also about the United Nations taking responsibility and accountability for its actions.
Upon approval of this petition, we demand with immediate effect the following:
1. The establishment and construction of modern and sustainable fresh-water supply facilities in Haiti to improve hygiene.
2. The construction of sewage removal and treatment facilities in Haiti to improve sanitation.
3. Vaccination centers and clinics in Haiti to treat disease and prevent future outbreaks.
Every signature is a moral demand which can bring about change for the better. Non-governmental organizations will use the moral authority this petition carries to save hundreds and thousands of innocent lives. Click to save lives. Click yes to be the change you want to see.
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The Bring Clean Water and Sanitation to Haiti petition to United Nations was written by Ilona Pilipenko and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.