#Family & Friends
Kmart Australia

The $6 costume, which included a white wedding grown and headband with veil for children between the ages of 4 and 6, was stripped from sale on Tuesday afternoon just two days after someone named “Shannon B” launched the petition on Change.org, calling the fancy dress outfit “offensive”.

While no one denies child brides sadly exist - mainly in Chad and Bangledesh according to the World Health Organisation. It is not and never has been promoted in a local Kmart.

For less than 1% of customers to complain or sign then have it removed when Kmart readily supply for sale costumes which promote physical violence - which is prevalent here in Australia is extraordinary. The power they have given this is unhealthy and moves far from the idea of play, but imputes motives that simply are not realistic.

This petition is to counter the absurd reasoning of Kmart and Sharon B, despite a major backlash online.
Kmart appears to care little if the general consensus but a few over zealous , unreasonable people.

We the undersigned call for Kmart Australia to place back on its shelves, for sale the $6 dress up wedding outfit for boys and girls to enjoy as they see fit.

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The Bring Back Wedding Dress Ups at Kmart, petition to Kmart Australia was written by Allé Basí and is in the category Family & Friends at GoPetition.