- Target:
- Comecon
- Region:
In 1991, the Eastern Bloc collapsed. Once great countries such as Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, the Soviet Union and the DDR disappeared and were replaced with Slovakia, Macedonia and Lithuania. Okay so the regimes weren't exactly great but geography was easy at school.
Instead of remembering Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Belarus, Macedonia, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Montengro, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Moldava, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Russia Kazakhstan, Kygrstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. It was Czechoslovakia, Soviet Union and Yugoslavia.
At the cost of 250 million peoples' political freedom, let's make geography easier for school children.
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The Bring Back the Soviet Bloc petition to Comecon was written by Jean-Claude Fanchalon and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.