
Fantasy Life for the Nintendo 3DS was a critically acclaimed game with incredible design, story telling, and replay value. What this petition aims to do Is to show Nintendo that there is a desire for a new game for this franchise to be made, or a port of the 3DS version, to Nintendo Switch. While there is Fantasy Life Online, this is a mobile game, and isn’t a true rendition of the franchise. This petition aims for a FULL game to be made for the Switch or just for them 3DS version to be ported. There is a fairly big following for this game, as such creating a new one or a port would almost definitely see profit.

We, the undersigned, call upon Nintendo and companies accosiated with the creation of the game Fantasy Life for 3DS to create a new Fantasy Life game for the Nintendo Switch, or for a port of the 3DS version to be placed onto the Nintendo Switch.

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The Bring A Port/New Version Of Fantasy Life To Nintendo Switch. petition to Nintendo was written by Benjamin Barley and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.