#Civil Rights
State of Connecticut Secretary of State
United States of America

On November the 2nd 2010 21,000 ballots were prepared by the Registrars of Voters for 68,000 registered voters in the several precincts within Bridgeport, Connecticut. The ballots were finished before 10am that morning. Which encouraged long lines and discouraged voters.

The mayor went to court to extent the hours until 10pm and still did not have enough ballots. Thereafter they had the dickens` counting said ballots. The mayor preparing at from 5am to have 6am press conference ready to announce the winner being Malloy. The mayor is not the official counter of ballots neither should he state numbers as facts; the office of Registars of Voters can factual state number of votes along with the Secretary of State.

Folley conceded without court intercourse. Then we the people of Connecticut are told that they the city of Bridgeport just happened to find 20,000 more ballots. There should be a federal investigation in the matter and a recall of Registrars of Voters and force an election in December 2010. They failed to provide enough ballots and they failed to administer the election and placed it in the mayors hands.

We the undersigned, call upon the The State of Connecticut Secretary of State to recall the vote for the elected officials of Registrars of Voters to respond forthwith to an inquiry of 2,000 persons required to request a recall of the Registrars of Voters based on the fact they were in violation in their inability perform said duties to maintain voting and party enrolment lists'; administer all elections, primaries; referenda; and absentee ballot central counting, and maintenance of voting accessories.

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The Bridgeport Needs 2,000 Signatures to Recall the Vote of City of Bridgeport Registrars of Voters petition to State of Connecticut Secretary of State was written by Rachel144 and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.