United States of America

This is a list of people who are making a vow to not buy Madden 19 at launch. The reason for this is simple. CFM has been put on the back burner for far too long, often overlooked in updates , and we as a community are very tired of the only mode we buy madden for to be so little improved. It has come to our attention after years of trying to tell EA what is wanted in this mode, that they just are not willing to put fourth the funds to make it happen , because they believe we will just buy the game anyway.

This cycle must stop now, and until we see a change in EA's attitude towards CFM and its improvement , we will not be giving EA any more sales of this title . It has become very clear that is the only thing that will actually get their attention, hitting their pockets. Thus everyone who signs this petition is stating together, with a collective voice, we will no longer give EA another sale of Madden until this attitude towards CFM has been changed and we not only hear it, but can see it that alot of time and effort has been put back into making the most played mode in Madden, the best mode in Madden , as it should be.

We , the undersigned , are taking our stand against the lack of improvements to CFM and the lack of Quality Control of the things that are added but broken year after year. We will not purchase Madden new again until this changes!

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The Boycott of Madden 19 at launch petition to gamers was written by CFM and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.

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