Boycott E! TV so that we do not have Kardashians on the network

E! network will not stop showing the Kardashians on their network, therefore, contact your local cable company, Time Warner, Dish Network, Direct TV, WOW Cable., etc. and ask them to remove E! from your personal line up on cable and demand that they remove E! from their line up.

We, the undersigned, call upon our Cable TV networks to cancel the E! network from their line ups therefore releasing honest citizens to watch cable TV with their children, unafraid of filthy innuendos, comments, and images from the Kardashian TV series.

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The Boycott E! Contact your Cable Co. and have E! removed. Tell them this is the expected Kardashian Fallout. petition to Boycott E! TV so that we do not have Kardashians on the network was written by BYoung and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.