- Target:
- American Airlines, American Eagle, AMR Corporation and all subsidiaries
- Region:
- Website:
- www.care2.com
Jack has been found!!! On behalf of Jack, Jack's family, and animal activists everywhere, I offer you a most sincere thank you for your kindness and concern for Jack's welfare and for joining in support.
Now let's work together for change so no one ever has to go through this again!
Thank you!Jack has been found!!! On behalf of Jack, Jack's family, and animal activists everywhere, I offer you a most sincere thank you for your kindness and concern for Jack's welfare and for joining in support.
Now let's work together for change so no one ever has to go through this again!
Thank you!
Jack, a family cat was lost by American Airlines in August of 2011 and is still missing to this day...
The following is a short excerpt from the NY Daily News August 30, 2011. To read the entire article go to
American Airlines launched an all-out hunt yesterday for a cat it lost at Kennedy Airport in the chaos of preparing for Hurricane Irene.
The airline issued a public apology to pet owner Karen Pascoe after animal lovers bombarded its Facebook page demanding it look for her cat.
"He's a member of my family," Pascoe told the Daily News. "I just want my cat. I want whatever it takes to get my cat."
When American Airlines responded with very little enthusiasm, hiring a public relations expert to try to put a positive "spin" on the situation, a boycott was instituted. To this day, Jack Remains lost and his guardian remains heartbroken, as do all the thousands following Jack's story with great concern.
Recently there have been a small number of news articles to revisit Jack's loss at the hands of American Airlines. It is in this same spirit that we repost this and other pledges to boycott American Airlines, American Eagle, and all subsidiaries of AMR Corporation, American Airlines parent corporation located in Fort Worth Texas, USA.
We understand the problem of loss or death of companion animals at the hands of airlines is not limited to this one even and Jack. We understand that very few, if any airlines are innocent of harming animals in their care. But this is where we are making our stand! We stand for Jack against American Airlines.
Since American Airlines is a multinational corporation, doing business in countries all over the world, we ask everyone from ANY country in the world to please sign the petition pledge to boycott American Airlines. We thank you for your signature and Jack thanks you.
Volunteers in the New York city area are always welcome in the ground search for Jack.
We the undersigned agree that we will Boycott American Airlines, American Eagle, and all subsidiaries of AMR Corporation of Ft Worth, TX until Jack the Cat is found. If Jack is not found, we will boycott American Airlines, American Eagle, and all subsidiaries of AMR Corporation of Ft Worth, TX indefinitely.
When a business such as an airline agrees to fly companion animals, they assume responsibility for that animal's welfare and safety while under the care and control of the airline, until such time when the companion animal has been returned to the owner/guardian and the animal leaves the care of the airline.
In this case, American Airlines lost Jack, which brought to light the lack of concern on the part of the airline for the companion animals it continues to fly. American Airline's response to Jack's loss lacked genuine concern for Jack, and the situation was treated as more of a public relations response, devoid of any true interest or intent to recover Jack.
To this day Jack remains lost. To this day, we the undersigned remain angry at your indifference toward Jack and his grieving family who wants him home. We remain compassionate toward Jack and his family and we will boycott your business.
The Boycott American Airlines for Jack petition to American Airlines, American Eagle, AMR Corporation and all subsidiaries was written by ABigOaf and is in the category Animal Welfare at GoPetition.