Electronic Arts Australia / America

July 14, 2005

We, the players of Electronic Arts newest game Battlefield 2, We believe that since this game was made as a clan war based game, the need to be able to add Clan signatures (Also known as Clan Tags) to either the start or end of our names is a must.

The downside to joining a clan at the moment is that most clans REQUIRE you to have your player name as (clanTag)NICKNAME (with the sig/Tag at the front) and at this current time you are not able to do that without being prepared to lose all your stats and start over.

What we suggest is that in the Manage / Accounts menu, EA should introduce a box which allows you to add your "Team Signature/tag" and then have 2 buttons to choose from which are either "add sig/tag to front of your name, or add sig/tag to the end of your name"

We are not talking about changing the logon to our multiplayer accounts, but we are talking about the "in-game name"

This is only a suggestion and people agree that if this issue is not addressed, it will cause alot of people to come to the conclusion that joining a clan is a bad idea because they will lose their stats

We are asking all players of BF2 who are SICK of having to lose their stats to join a clan to help us bring this issue to EA to hopefully get this problem fixed in a future patch to come.

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The Battlefield 2 : Clan Tag/Signature Adding petition to Electronic Arts Australia / America was written by Pomfus and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.