Banjos Bakery Cafe

Currently there are only 2 Banjos cafes in victoria. They are located in Mildura and Mornington. We wish to have a franchise started up in the Waurn Ponds Shopping Centre.

We request that Banjos Bakery Cafe consider Waurn Ponds and Waurn Ponds Shopping Centre as a potential location to set up a franchise. The last franchise was located in Market Square, Geelong which has no been closed for some time. We hope that the Waurn Ponds area will provide a better client base that will be able to sustain a Bakery/Cafe setup.

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The Banjos Bakery Cafe for Waurn Ponds petition to Banjos Bakery Cafe was written by Banjos for Waurn Ponds and is in the category Business at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Cafe bakery banjos Waurn Ponds