- Target:
- Canadian Parliament. Parlamento Canadiense.
- Region:
- Canada
(Traducir en Google.) twelve reasons:
I. 2020 Nova Scotia Massacre: The plot then to kill civilians across the province. Along with the Charlottesville massacre in the USA, among many other tragedies. Used a cars as a deadly, atrocious, provocative missile.
II. Obesity: Walking & even busses and Subways have a standing option. Sitting ruins hips & doesn't burn fat or make as good ideas. We already add fluoride into drinking water to prevent tooth decay.
III. Loneliness: Walking or taking a bus is a way to get to talk to people & befriend them. This lowers depression rates, for loneliness harms as much as multiple cigarettes daily.
IV. Mining: Even with electric cars & trucks, mining of precious metals & exploitation of ecosystems in the global South. The steel & metals we own can be sued for bus shelters & cut bus wait times with more busses.
V. Harm via accidents: People walking, scootering or bicycling fear being hit by cars right now. There won't be a need for many drunk or high driving laws either. Saving time of officers & health expenses.
VI. Driver jobs: A mundane activity can be turn into an economic benefit. A liberation for people from a chore & help the repair industry.
VII. Health: Car injuries among people older & younger than 18 happen all the time in and out of cars. There's death & destroyed property, just like war during peace times.
VIII. Climate: Canada's west is burning under heat waves & fires every year. With temperatures rising in the arctic & rockies, melting permafrost in national parks with gas stations still being necessary. That's pollution.
IX. Mental health: Pressure to get to work on time & road rage are. Fear is why people in Canada rarely bike or walk anywhere.
X. Saving on budget: Leftover precious metals & steels can be used in other ways like infrastructure & manufactory. While at the same time, reducing the need for building and maintaining roads, highways and parking lots with the tax dollars paid by Canadians.
XI: National Economic Independence: Trucks from the USA (invaders of Iraq in 2003, motivated for oil) & can be halted. Reducing negative American cultural influences, plastic imports, monetary exports & globally exploited labor.
XII: A selfless people: If a government says their citizens are selfless & kind. They prove it with skipping drive thru to reduce a employers stress. We also care about other nations by example, taking the next ethical step in saving our planet.
XIII: A national treasure: The Canadian Pacific Railway is already greener than what roads use now. They can get greener with electricity. Trains connected our country from Nova Scotia to British Columbia before the USA could annex us.
XV: Winter salt: Road salt being reduced can be relief our lakes, seas & rivers from salt residue from car washes that already use water to clean off cars. Even the snow plow fleet use gas already in winter, adding to the carbon emissions.
XV: Infection cases: The 2020s decade has been one where everything seemed to revolve around Covid-19. This ban will make cases plummet. Along with aid future discoveries in micro-ecology research.
XVI: Garbage disposal: Plastics from cups, wrappers, straws & cigarette butts still pollute the sides of highways and roads. They get bigger if we continue to let this auto culture continue running.
PLEASE read & take action. For many types of people around the earth. Banning & outlawing of trucks, vans, cars and most rads and highways does more for less.
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The ban road vehicles in canada. prohibir los vehículos de carretera en canadá petition to Canadian Parliament. Parlamento Canadiense. was written by Cyan Giant and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.