#National Affairs
The Hon Nicola Roxon MP - Minister for health and aging


In Australia we continue to import cosmetics tested on animals even though such procedures are both cruel and unnecessary.

Over 38,000 Innocent, defenceless animals are tested upon each year for cosmetic reasons.

These animals are used for horrible, painful procedures and experiments such as:
Lethal dose test, Draize test - where they drip product into animals' eyes, skin test - where they shave than put product on animals' bare skins.

Animals are kept in tiny, dark cages, suffering for days even weeks on end with no medical treatment to end the pain.

By allowing these products to be sold in our country, we are effectively supporting animal cruelty.

Ban all products tested on animals being sold in our Country!

We request a standard be introduced under section 81 of the Act stating that no cosmetic shall be imported into, or manufactured in, Australia if the final product or its ingredients have been tested on animals.

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The Ban All Cosmetics Tested On Animals In Australia petition to The Hon Nicola Roxon MP - Minister for health and aging was written by Karina and is in the category National Affairs at GoPetition.