
Petitioning the Senate:

To the Honourable President and Members of the Senate in Parliament assembled.

Recognize Islam as an Ideology and not a Religion in Australia.

We the undersigned, hereby request the Senate to immediately recognize Islam as an Ideology, and not a Religion in Australia.

The Australian people request the Senate to recognise the fact, that Islam is not a religion, but an Ideology, that if not checked now, will breach Australia’s security as it has done in European Countries. In support of this statement we remind the Senate that all Muslims are born under the Sharia law, an Islamic ideological Law. Muslims who stray from the Islamic ideology, become apostates or infidels. The Islamic ideology is contrary to the global humanitarian way of life, its beliefs and culture.

Countries around the world, Australia included, must debate the subject of Islam as a Religion or Ideology. If it is a Religion, then we ask the Senate, is it compatible and harmonious to our Australian beliefs, lifestyle, and conducive to assimilation and integration into our culture? If it is not a Religion but an Ideology, we ask the Senate, is the Islamic Ideology conducive to harmonious assimilation and integration into our Australian beliefs, lifestyle and conducive to assimilation and Integration into our Culture?

At the moment throughout the world, it is becoming clearer each day, that Islam is an Ideology which is incompatible with every western and European country. We, the people of Australia, find the Ideology of Islamic beliefs to be a credible threat to Australia, and an affront to our Lifestyle and Beliefs.

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The AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT RECOGNIZE ISLAM AS AN IDEOLOGY, AND NOT A RELIGION petition to Australia was written by Ian Felton and is in the category Government at GoPetition.