Ask the Bulgarian Goverment to Permanently ban the Trichane Na Kuche Tradition!
- Target:
- The Goverment of Bulgaria
- Region:
- Website:
Info on this link:
As you can see on this photo that tradition ˝Trichane Na Kuche˝ or ˝Dog spinning˝ is Far to cruel so i´m asking to Sign & ˝Share˝ this petition to the Bulgarian Goverment on a email if you know it.
Thank you!
We the undersigned are asking the Goverment of Bulgaria to PERMANENTLY ban the Practice of ˝Trichane Na Kuche˝ a.k.a ˝Dog Spinning˝ tradition!
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Ask the Bulgarian Goverment to Permanently ban the Trichane Na Kuche Tradition! petition to The Goverment of Bulgaria was written by Ivan Binički and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.