- Target:
- Naval Discharge Review Board
- Region:
- United States of America
My discharge was inaccurate and imprecise, because during the time I was in DEP, I wasn’t smoking at all. I was enlisted into The United States Navy on August 20, 2009 and I shipped off October 28, 2009. In the middle of June, when I decided that the Navy was something I wanted to do I knew it was time to commit myself solely to it.
I was a very heavy smoker, not because I loved it, but it took my mind away from my unhealthy surroundings (Memphis, Tn) and instability. When I spoke with the recruiter and she said, “The Navy has a ‘Zero Tolerance Policy’ with drugs, I knew it was time to handle business. I PROMISE I gave up the smoking and got a pharmaceutical government job at McKesson. I had to take a drug test in August with Select Staffing, in Memphis, Tn, to obtain the job. I passed it with flying colors. Also, I took numerous of drug tests with my recruiter and passed each one. Then, took two urinalysis exams for MEPS; once while getting my examination and the other before I shipped off. I don’t understand how I failed! Plus if there was still THC in my system it wasn’t from smoking while enlisting nor while in DEP. It came from being a heavy smoker before I decided to join the Navy.
It is scientifically proven that the length of time it takes to remove THC completely from your body depends on the amount that you consume each day. I was a Heavy Smoker, smoking a plethora of grams a day or every other day. The length of time varies, due to different smokers and different bodies. It also proves, that if you are a heavy smoker, it could take anywhere from two months to seven months. Maybe Even More! The marijuana that was used before considering the Navy enlistment shouldn’t be used against me, for I wasn’t a product of the NAVY until August 20, 2009. The day that I signed myself over should’ve been the THC considering factor. I was in DEP for two months, and once again, I Did Not Smoke. If it takes almost 2 months to 7 months or more to remove a heavy smokers THC, why didn’t the Navy check the levels of THC before enlisting and when we arrived for Training.
I was constantly passing all of my drug tests from my recruiter, MEPS, and my job. If I would have known that it took longer for THC to leave my system and the urinalysis given to me everywhere else didn’t mean anything, I would’ve waited and tried to check my THC levels. Passing every drug test prior to shipping off really gave me confidence that I was THC free and I was done with weed. I even tried to fight my case in Training. I was willing to do anything to stay. I agreed to drug test, appearing before the board, and I even requested to respectfully to appear before the Captain. The most important thing to me was appearing before the Captain, so he would understand how sincere and passionate I was about returning back to my division. I felt I was falsely accused of drug abuse and my THC level.
I’ve sent a DD293 before in 2010 and this is my second time submitting one. I never received a letter or email stating if I was denied or approved of the code & narrative reason change. I’m not going to give up and I will keep sending paperwork until I get a response. I know it’s almost been three years since I was discharged, so I’m mailing and faxing this before you may say it’s too late. I’m clean as a whistle and if I was to be drug tested right now, it would show up as 0% THC. Everyone deserves a second chance!
We, the people of the United States, are signing this petition to support LaTia Franklin in re-enlisting in the Armed Forces and to eliminate the negative "narrative reason" and "re-enlistment code."
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The Approval To Re-Enlist in the Armed Forces petition to Naval Discharge Review Board was written by LaTia Franklin and is in the category Military at GoPetition.