United States Congress

The United States Congress is proposing two laws that address the problem of wide-scale unlicensed distribution on the Internet of motion pictures, songs, trademarked goods, and patented pharmaceuticals. However, in doing so, they not only oppress the residents of America, but web-hosters outside of America.

One of the proposals is called SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and would direct search engines in the United States to block Internet sites outside the United States that are primarily engaged in distributing unlicensed content.

Another proposal called PIPA (Protect IP Act) would block websites located in the United States as well.

We, the undersigned, call on the United States Congress to revoke the SOPA and PIPA proposals.

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The Anti-SOPA/PIPA Petition petition to United States Congress was written by Shaun Gillies and is in the category Internet at GoPetition.