United States of America

The Law For Grandparents Rights as I understand is the purpose of Parents who have custody of their children and lose their children to the State for what ever reason.

Then the State by Law have to contact the Grandparents of the child or children in question before placing children in Foster Homes when the Grandparents are capable of taking care of their grandchildren.

This Law needs to be Amended to also giving Grandparents visitation with their Grandchildren no matter who has Legal and Physical Custody. If a Grandparent has been a consisted presents in their Grandchild or grandchildrens lifes since birth and has seen and been with their Grandchildren everyday, every weekend, every time the parent or parents need a babysitter, during the school year when they have school vacations and during the summer when you take your Grandchild or Grandchildren for at least a week or more.

I myself was present when my Grandson was born. The very first weekend of my Grandsons life he was at my house visiting with me, his father, his grandfather and his uncles. This went on for years. Then the mom of my Grandson ran into some hard times and she started calling me all the time with different excuses on why she needed me to take my Grandson I never said no. When he started preschool I stared receiving phone calls asking to pick up my grandson because for what ever reason mom could not pick him up. I all said yes. Then when my Grandson started school I would get phone calls asking me to go pick him up at the bus stop.Mind you I live in New Bedford Ma. and my Grandson lived Lakeville Ma.

While my Grandson was attending school I would get calls asking if I would take my Grandson and keep him over night and bring him to the bus stop again I always did. When it came to my Grandson no matter what was being asked of me I never said no.From the time my Grandson Started school I, His father, his uncle and his grandfather paid for all of his clothes not just school clothes, summer clothes, clothes for him to play in and pj,s. Anything and everything the mom would ask us to buy for our Grandson we always did without any questions being asked. At one point the mom was wearing my grandsons tee-shirts and hoodies it started to see as we where buying clothes for him we where also buying clothes for his mom. Not a problem we love your Grandson and as far as his father and Uncles they also love him dearly.

My Grandsons mom at one point tried to move out of State and take my Grandson not having a place to live our a job set up no car. She was going to take the child with her new boyfriend of two weeks where going to just move to Flordia. My son went into court and got a order that she was not to leave the state with my Grandson. Then she met a man who lived in Fairhaven Mass. she moved in with him and left my Grandson with her mom. This went on for three years between her mom and dad and me, his father and his Grandfather we managed to take care of my Grandson. Mom got pregnant by this boyfriend had the child and her relationship ended with the father of the new child. Mom took the new dad to Court for Child Support the father new what the mom was into and told the mom he wanted custody of his daughter and if she did not sign over custody he was going to inform the court of her problem mom signed custody over to the father. That is when Child Family Services finally opened a case on mom for abuse and neglect of my Grandson.

Child and Family made her take a parenting classes, drug classes and urine test.Well mom cleaned up her act but, before doing so my son the childs father tried to use his Legal Rights and refused to return their son. Police where called. I told the police as the childs Grandmother I refused to return my Grandson. One Officer who knew me because of my brothers run ins with the police I was arrested for disorderly conducted. Mom received a copy of the police report six weeks later and read it the officer put in the the report I threated the mom with bodily harm a totally false statement made by officer. Mom then went to the court house and got a harassment order against me and also pressed criminal charges for threating her with bodily harm.

The outcome of the case was I was not guilty but,there was a stay order put in place so I had to stay 50 feet away from the mom.Mom was not happy she wanted me to be found guilty and because that did not happen mom decide not to let me see my grandson.I have not seen my Grandson since the second week of March 2013. That did not stop me from trying to still do for my Grandson I bought him 14Kt white gold blue sapphire stud earrings his Birthstone for a Easter Present. I was unable to give them to him. I then bought him clothes for the summer I contact the other Grandmother to please come pick up the things I bought for our Grandson and she never pick them up. I return the summer clothes and bought school clothes for him. I put them in a box along with the earrings and sent them through the mail where mom would have to sign for the box and I could track it on-line.Mom picked up the package.

We are now in October 2013 and I have still have not seen my grandson and my Birthday is on Monday oct. 21,2013 and I am not looking forward to my B-Day without my Grandson and also the Holidays are coming.There will be no Christmas at my house this year without my Grandson. To me it is like someone died.This is a horrible feeling. This little boy has been my life for nine and a half years and now nothing.For me everyday is a struggle with out him. This is why it is some important to amend the Grandparents Rights Law so I and other Grandparents going threw similar situation can start seeing our Grandchildren again. We need to stop these Parents using are our Grandchildren as pawns in their game.

Some parents use these kids against us to get what they want and when we do not do want they want to do they keep these kids away from use to hurt us. I do not know about you other Grandparents but, me myself I am tried of being hurt and I want visits with my baby.

Amend Existing Grandparents' Law To Include Giving Grandparents Weekend Visits With Their Grandchildren.

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The Amended Law for Grandparents' Rights petition to Congress was written by Lisa Pelletier and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.

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