- Target:
- Town Council, Hope, Ind
- Region:
- United States of America
There are many Benefits to raising Urban Chickens. They are not only Fluffy and Fun, They are good for you! With nutritional benefits of free range eggs, garden benefits of pest control and fertilizer.
These feathered friends are an asset to holistic and sustainable living, Chickens are known to reduce or eliminate populations of grasshoppers, termites, ants, slugs, fleas. True free-range eggs contain higher levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, beta carotene, Vitamins E n A. They are also lower in saturated fat and cholesterol than store bought eggs. Chickens are an Excellent Source of Organic Fertilizer.
It is an environmentally friendly alternative to chemical fertilizers and are good for the earth. Every time you clean the coop, the resulting byproduct is a fresh pile of manure that can be recycled in your backyard ecosystem. Chickens are good therapy animals, for issues including dementia, Alzheimer's, psychiatric illness, depression, and autism. Watching chickens also lowers stress levels.
Studies show that tending chickens releases oxytocin, a stress lowering hormone. Not only that, it reduces blood pressure and decreases feelings of loneliness, witch further Contributes to decreased stress.
We the Undersigned, call on the Town Council of Hope, Ind. To allow Urban chickens within the Town City Limits.
The benefits are obvious, fresh eggs that are shared with neighbors and friends, the health benefits alone are a reason to have backyard hens.
The possibility of sharing to the local food bank. The health benefits alone are numerous. In a previous explanation of a Domestic animal included Poultry.
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The Allow Urban Chickens petition to Town Council, Hope, Ind was written by nancy saylor and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.