#Children's Rights
Health minister of Western Australia

ADHD describes a recognised and persistent pattern of behaviour that begins in childhood and in most cases continues across the lifespan.
Key features are inattention, distractibility, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.
The underlying cause is thought to be neurodevelopmental, mostly via genetic inheritance.
ADHD symptoms may reduce as the brain matures.
ADHD is not caused by poor parenting or being lazy.
ADHD is a disorder of executive functioning.
Lifestyle choices, personality style, and parenting behaviour can improve or worsen outcome.
There are effective ways of managing ADHD.
Psychological support and medication can both be helpful.
Untreated ADHD can cause a lot of impairment throughout the lifespan so early assistance is recommended


Hi currently kids and their families living with ADHD and other conditions associated with it like ODD aren't aligable for NDIS. I want to change this as these kids and families have no choice it's a condition which is pass down from either the mother or father. There is no cure as it's a condition stuck with them for life. My sons pead told me that all these kids and families need is just Th at little bit more support, many like myself are on carers payment and unable to hold a job due to their child's conditions which is hard on the family and the child/ children, Atm people living with depression can get it straight away where as we know some depressions aren't for ever and most are caused by drug and alcohol abuse. I would like people to put them selfs in these kids shoes living with this horrible condition each and everyday which can take the toll on these poor kids like my 10 yr old son who suffers from it, they get left out of alot of things they find it hard to socialize with other kids there's sleeping issues, behavior issues, they are the target to bullying. Alot end up doing crime when older and quiet a few don't want to be alive any more as it's just too hard. All I'm asking is for NDIS to give these kids ago to help them better their lives as they didn't have a choice about this life path. So please help me with passing this along to friends and family and help me change to get these kids a fair go just like any other child should as they are our furture. Thank you for your time

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The Allow NDIS for kids living with ADHD petition to Health minister of Western Australia was written by Amy Cragg and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.

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