#Human Rights
European Union, Council of Europe, OSCE, government of the USA and Russian Federation, UN

Announcement of the preliminary and later the final results of the February 19th Presidential Elections in Armenia have caused the protest among the supporters of the opposition presidential candidate Levon Ter-Petrosian, which took the form of multi hundred thousand protest rallies in the capital of Armenia – Yerevan.

The personal objections towards the results have been raised by some state officials who as a result were dismissed from the jobs; some of them were even arrested. The opposition leader is factually under home arrest. Moreover, during the first days after the dismissal of the demonstration there have been mass arrests of civilians participating in the rallies.

The absence of dialogue and implacability of the parties resulted in a violent dismissal of the rally on March 1 of the current year. As a result, the political rivalry took the form of armed clash between the state authority and people – supporters of the opposition.

As a result of violence 8 people at minimum are dead shot (gun shot) and more than 130 received serious injuries on both sides. As the evidence obtained from “Human Rights Watch” shows, some demonstrators have been beaten up by the police in a condition of unconsciousness.

The dismissal of demonstrators and bloodshed resulted in the enactment of State of Emergency in Yerevan for 20 days, within the framework of which the censorship is imposed on media (TV and press, as well as Internet editions). The dissemination of leaflets and other politically implicated information as well as news regarding the inner political situation in a country is also outlawed. In addition, rallies, meetings and other events are also banned. The restrictions on the functioning of non-governmental and political organizations have also been imposed.

Given facts and available evidence it appears that state authorities are carrying out mass arrests of the opposition members. Despite the address made to his supporters to disband until the removal of the State of Emergency by the opposition leader, the first President of Armenia Mr. Levon Ter-Petrosian, the emotional charge is still high in the society. The continuation of violence on local levels can not be ruled out taking into consideration the warning issued by the Chief of Staff of Armenia to the population “to refrain from assembly in Yerevan even in small groupings with regard of which even in any suspicious situation the armed forces will apply to the appropriate measures having determined by the law and constitution.”

To our belief, all this became possible due to the lack of timely and adequate attention to be devoted by the international community to the events developing in Armenia – member states of European Council and UN before the presidential elections as well as on the elections day and after the elections.

We, the undersigned, address the international community:

- To make the judgment on the use of guns and other means against compatriots by the armed forces of Armenia bearing the threat to the health of humans;

- To assist in the release of the opposition leader Levon Ter-Petrosian from the home arrest as well as detained members of the opposition political parties and demonstrators;

- To assist in the removal of the State of Emergency restricting the human rights on the freedom of speech and assembly, as well as the lifting of restrictions on the functioning of mass media, political and non-governmental organizations;

- In order to attain the justice assist in the operative and independent investigation of all violations revealed by the observers during the pre-election campaigning, as well as on the elections day;

- To make active efforts towards the transition of political forces in Armenia from the eventual confrontation to the settlement of dispute by political means;

- To promote the democratization of mass media, the majority of which today express the only one pro-governmental view which on its turn further exacerbates the already heightened level of hatred.

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The Against violence in Armenia petition to European Union, Council of Europe, OSCE, government of the USA and Russian Federation, UN was written by Unity of Georgian Armenians "Nor Serund" and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.

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Violence in Armenia