
May 21, 2006

This petition is now closed. Thanks to all who signed.







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21 Dhjetor, 2005

Te dashur lexues te peticionit tone Kundra-Luizit,

Jemi mbledhur ketu per te marre pjese ne nje nga peticionet me te medha ne Muziken Shqiptare. Fillimi i kesaj meseleje eshte data 18 Dhjetor 2005, naten kur u zhvillua Festivali I 44rt Ne Radio Televizion ne Pallatin E Kongreseve, Tirane. Ky festival eshte gjithashtu dhe konkursi ne te cilin zgjidhet kenga qe do te perfaqesoje Shqiperine ne Festivalin Europian, Eurovision.

Megjithate, shume gjera shkuan krejtesisht ndryshe nga c'ishte parashikuar tek po afrohej mesnata! Mes gjithe interpretimeve madheshtore nga Mariza Ikonomi, Arberie Hadergjonaj, Evis Mula, Anjeza Shahini, Manjola Nallbani, Flaka Krelani etj., interpetimi katastrofik, parahistorik e kaotik i Luiz Ejllit u shpall si fitues i kesaj nate!

Kjo kenge jo vetem qe nuk ishte nje nder te preferuarat, por publiku as qe nuk e permendi pasi ajo u interpretua ne semi-finale! Fitorja e Luizit ishte nje shuplake e madhe qe iu dha artisteve te cilet vertete punuan aq shume per te na sjelle disa emocione te harruara nga Festivali I Fundvitit.

Ata kane punuar aq shume per te na sjelle emocione qe kishim kohe pa i provuar, dhe puna tyre dallohej ne skene. Publiku kishte shpresa te medha, por te gjitha keto u rrenuan shume pakuptimisht!!! Vendimi i jurise shokoi te gjithe pa mase duke shpallur kengen e Luizit fituese, nje kenge aq kot saqe nuk kemi as fjale per t'a pershkruar!

Tani kombi yne do te perfaqesohet nga nje mesoartist qe fitoi nje konkurs talentesh, edhe ketu gek-mek i shkreti, vetem 2 vjet me pare dhe me nje corbe qe juria e vleresoi si material fitues.

Ju lutem firmoseni kete peticion nese mendoni se kjo kenge do te na beje te dukemi si mos me keq ne Eurovision. Ju lutem firmoseni ne menyre qe fituesit e vertete si Arberie, Mariza, Evis etj. te ndjejne mbeshtetjen tuaj! Ne menyre qe t'a dine se per ne ata jane FITUESIT E VERTETE! Ky peticion do te jete mese i vlefshem per ta, si dhe per te gjithe ato persona te cilet e vleresojne muziken e festivalit, edhe pse rezultatet nuk pasqyrojne gjithmone ate qe duhet.

Firmosni kundra Luizit!
Firmosni kundra Zjarr E Ftohte!

Vendosni nje buzeqeshje ne fytyrat e artisteve qe vertete e meritojne, fituesit e padiskutueshem te Festivalit te 44rt!


Shkak per kete peticion u be zhgenjimi i shume dashamireseve te Muzikes Shqiptare pas asaj qe ndodhi ne Festivalin e 44rt ne Radio Televizion. Ne jemi mbledhur te gjithe per te inkurajuar artistet qe humben duke i bere te ditur se per ne ata jane fituesit e vertete, dhe per te lene zotin Luiz te kuptoje se nuk jemi aspak te mahnitur me interpretimin e tij amaturesk. Per me teper ne mendojme se meqe ai nuk ishte me i miri nder te tjeret, nuk duhet te perfaqesoje vendin tone ne Eurovizion 2006. Te pakten, jo me nje kenge e cila nuk eshte per zerin e tij dhe qe stonon kaq shume me fustanellat ne sfond.


21 Mars, 2006


Lajme te reja zhurmuese dhe alarmante rreth kesaj ngjarjeje kaq te turpshme per Muziken Shqiptare kane filluar te perhapen serish! Pak dite me pare, videoklipi i kenges Zjarr E Ftohte u be publik ne websajtin zyrtar te Eurovisionit. Nqs keni nder mend t'a shihni, si fillim, ju rekomandojme qe te pajiseni me kapele saldatricesh se perndryshe syte e juaj mund te eksperiencojne nje verbim te perhershem. Vlera e ketij videoklipi raportohet te jete rreth 50.000 Euro, sigurisht, fjala kyc eshte "raportohet". Po ke te besosh me pare, thuaj! Pamjet flasin vete.

Ishte vetem 3 vjet me pare kur videoklipi skandaloz i Anjeza Shahinit me akrobatet e tredhur dhe perdet prej astari mori nje shuplake marramendese nga publiku Shqiptar, por mesa duket TVSH-ja e harroi kete episod dhe vendosi t'a riperserise ate...kesaj rradhe duke inkorporuar ne miks elemente folklorik, si per shembull disa opinga te kuqe me maja vezake te pasuara nga disa burra te moshuar e babaxhane qe ja bejne xingth me nga nje dopjo ferrneti ne dore!

Sigurisht, keto videoklipe skandaloze ju ofruan vetem Anjezes dhe Luizit, dy kengetare te sapo zbuluar qe ende nuk i kane mesuar stilet e profesionit. Le te mos harrojme ketu Ledina Celon, nje kengetare e famshme dhe e stabilizuar...Ledina kishte nje videoklip mese profesional, dhe me vone zbulojme se ajo kishte lidhur disa kontrata me disa kompani celularesh ne interes te kenges se saj. Mos valle Ledina e dinte se nqs nuk do te kishte vepruar, do te perfundonte dhe ajo me nje videoklip katastrofik?

E pra, shoke edhe shoqe, disa gjera duken qarte. Ne fillim nje kenge dytesore fiton Festivalin E Fundivitit. Me pas, promovimi i kenges eshte shume here me i dobet se c'duhet te ishte duke u bazuar me shifren e parave ne dispozicion.

Prandaj ne ju inkurajojme edhe njehere te votoni kundra kesaj padrejtesije. Kjo padrejtesi, nuk i eshte bere vetem artisteve te tjere naten e festivalit, por i eshte bere edhe Luiz Ejllit si dhe grupit te tij realizues.

Ata menduan se gjithcka u zgjidh me fitoren e tyre, por me kot, kur erdhi puna tek promovimi.....mesa duket ata nuk ishin aq te hedhur sa Ledina Celo per te firmosur disa kontrata me kompani te tjera private, te cilat do te kishin interes te sponsorizonin kete kenge.

Si perfundim, parate fluturuan, Luizi me shoke e hengren, edhe tani more djema...le te vemi ne Thesaloniki e t'a mbajme me dore si n'Karadak. Lan nom per zotin, kjo kenge eshte kaq e tmerrshme saqe Greku do rifilloje Operacionin Fshesa vetem t'i nxjerri keto nga skena!!! Me kom t'mar ishalla!


December 21, 2005

Dear viewers of our Anti-Luiz Petition,

We are all gathered here to partecipate in one of the biggest petitions to ever be held in the Albanian Music Industry to date. It all goes back to 18 December 2005, the day when the Grand Finale of Festivali I 44 I Kenges took place in The Palace Of Congresses located in Tirana, Albania. This is Albania's Preselection Contest which determines the song that will be sent to represent the country in the Eurovision Song Contest. However, one too many things went wrong in this night of music and cheers as the clock struck twelve.

Out of ALL THOSE SUPERB PERFORMANCES by Mariza Ikonomi, Arberie Hadergjonaj, Evis Mula, Anjeza Shahini, Manjola Nallbani, Flaka Krelani and many other powerful names in the Albanian music industry, Luiz Ejlli's catastrophic, pre-historic, chaotic song and performance were determined to be the winners of the night.

This song was NEVER a favorite all throughout the two semi-final nights of FIK 44, in fact no one even talked about it after it was performed. Luiz Ejlli's win was a big slap to all the faces of all those artists who have worked so hard to bring us back the joy of watching FIK again. They have worked so hard to bring us those wonderful moments they gifted us with, and that showed on that stage.

The public had high hopes, but they were all dashed. The jury's decision shocked everyone at large when Luiz Ejlli won with a song that was SO bad, there are no words to even describe it.

Now, our whole nation will be represented by a very creepy performance delivered by a wannabe artist who just won the idol show two years ago, with a horrific contraption that they have identified as winning material!

Please sign this petition if you feel that this song will make us look as bad as it could possibly get on the Eurovision Song Contest! Please sign it so that true winners like Evis, Arberie or Mariza can truly feel your support! So that they know that they are the REAL WINNERS! This petition will mean so much to them, as it will mean alot to all those people out there who appreciate the good music that FIK has to offer, despite the horrible outcome when the results are revealed.


March 21, 2006


There's new startling developments on this terrible event in the Albanian music industry. A few days ago, the videoclip of Zjarr E Ftohte was made available in the official Eurovision website. Before you go and watch it, we recommend you use protective wear for your eyes, since side effects include severe eye damage and possible permanent blindness. It has been reported that the value of this clip was around 50 thousand euros, of course, key word "reported". Who to believe first? The images speak for themselves!

It wasn't long ago when Anjeza Shahini's clip featuring a bunch of horrendous dancers and some blue curtains in the background was received badly by the public, but it appears that TVSH forgot all about that episode and decided to repeat it. This time, protagonists were a series of red, oval tipped shoes and some old drunk men in ethnic costumes making a toast.

Of course, such videoclips were offered only to idol show winners Anjeza and Luiz who still haven't mastered the craft yet. Let's not forget Ledina Celo, a very famous and established singer...Ledina had a very modern videoclip for her representation of Albania in 2005, but we later come to find out that she cut a series of deals with some cell phone companies, in interest of her song. Is this maybe a sign that maybe Ledina knew if she hadn't had done something, she'd have been stuck with a catastrophic clip of her own?

So people, some things are way too obvious this year around. First, a second class entry wins the festival. Then, when the time to make the promo comes, the results are way too dissapointing, considering how much money was available for the project.

That's why we ask you to sign against this injustice. This injustice was not only done to the artists the night of the festival, but it was also done to Luiz Ejlli and his entire crew.

They thought everything was all set after their victory, but when it came to the promotions, they weren't as savy as Ledina to sign contracts with other private companies who would have been way more interested and loyal in funding them.

Ultimately, the money's gone, Luiz and his friends were conned, so now you guys...there's nothing left but to head to Athens and suck big time. Good luck with it all!

Sign against Luiz!
Sign against Zjarr E Ftohte!

Put a smile on the faces of the truly deserving artists, the true winners of FIK 44!


This petition was created because of the dissapointment of many Albanian Music lovers after what happened on Festivali I 44 I Kenges ne RTSH. We are all united so that we can encourage the artists who lost by letting them know that to us, they are the true winners, as well as letting Mr. Luiz know that we are not particularly thrilled with his amateurish performance. Additionally, we also feel that he was not the best out of the crowd, and that we don't wanna see him represent our country in Eurovision 2006! At least not with a song that's not for his voice and where the ethnic wardrobe has nothing to do with the song itself.

Firmosni kundra Luizit!
Firmosni kundra Zjarr E Ftohte!

Vendosni nje buzeqeshje ne fytyrat e artisteve qe vertete e meritojne, fituesit e padiskutueshem te Festivalit te 44rt!


Sign against Luiz!
Sign against Zjarr E Ftohte!

Put a smile on the faces of the truly deserving artists, the true winners of FIK 44!

GoPetition respects your privacy.

The Against Luiz Ejlli Representing Albania In Eurovision 2006 petition to Luiz Ejlli And The REAL WINNING ARTISTS OF FIK 44! was written by Anonymous and is in the category Music at GoPetition.