Monica Owusu-Breen
United States of America

This is a petition to add Meghan Tonjes, YouTuber, Singer&Songwriter, Fanfiction Writer, Goddess of the Internet, Mother of All and (probably) the biggest Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Fan there was and is and ever will be to the BTVL Reboot Cast in any capacity.
Her omnipresence in the Buffy Fan Universe, her creative and emotional investment in this series all throughout her life, and her perfect Trivia knowledge of the show provides her with the highest possible qualifications to be part of this cast. Make it happen, Church of Tonjes.


We, the undersigned, call on Monica Owusu-Breen, and others in power, to add Meghan Tonjes to the cast of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Reboot at any point in any capacity throughout the show.

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The Add Meghan Tonjes to the Buffy Reboot Cast petition to Monica Owusu-Breen was written by Rahel Währer and is in the category Television at GoPetition.