- Target:
- WhatsApp headquarters
- Region:
- United Kingdom
Gràcies a tots els que ha signat aquesta petició, hem aconseguit 115 signatures, que era molt més del que esperava originalment. He enviat la petició en un mail a WhatsApp i podràs veure els resultats a la meva pàgina d'Instagram, @dretadecidir. Una vegada més gràcies per la signatura, i espero que aquestes banderes s'afegeixin.
Eskaera hau sinatu duten guztiei esker, 115 sinadurak lortu genituen, jatorriz espero nuen baino askoz ere gehiago. WhatsApp-era mezu elektroniko batean eskaera bidali dut eta nire Instagram orrian, @dretadecidir, emaitzak ikusi ahal izango dituzu. Berriro ere eskerrik asko sinatu eta espero dut banderak gehitu.
Grazas a todos os que asinaron esta petición, conseguimos 115 sinaturas, que eran moito máis do que se esperaba orixinalmente. Enviou a solicitude nun correo electrónico a WhatsApp e poderás ver os resultados na miña páxina de Instagram, @dretadecidir. Unha vez máis grazas por asinar, e espero que se engadan estas bandeiras.
Thank you to everyone that has signed this petition, we have achieved 115 signatures, which was a lot more than I expected originally. I have sent the petition in an email to WhatsApp and you will be able to see the results on my Instagram page, @dretadecidir. Once again Thank you for signing, and I hope these flags get added.
Gracias a todos los que han firmado esta petición, hemos logrado 115 firmas, que era mucho más de lo que esperaba originalmente. He enviado la petición en un correo electrónico a WhatsApp y ustedes seran capaces de ver los resultados en mi página de Instagram, @dretadecidir. Una vez más gracias por firmar, y espero que estas banderas se agregan.
Catalonia is an autonomous community in Spain but the areas represented by the Catalan flag extend into France and Andorra (the Catalan countries). There is currently no flag that represents this area on whatsapp. As well as this, many people in Catalonia (which is in Spain) do not feel represented by the Spanish flag and so they need a flag to go under when using whatsapp.
Similarly the Basque country is an autonomous community in Spain, however part of the Basque country extends into France, so, like Catalonia, there is no flag that represents that area. In the Basque country people also feel a sense of nationalism towards their autonomous community and not their country and for this reason they need a flag to represent them.
Galicia is also autonomous community in Spain where people do not feel Spanish and where many people speak a completely different language to Spanish.
Both the Basque country and Catalonia also compete internationally in various sports and people can not show their support to their teams as they can not use these flags in emoji mode.
I would like to send this petition to the whatsapp headquarters of it reaches a high number of signatures. Thanks.
The Add Catalan, Galician and Basque flags to whatsapp emojis. petition to WhatsApp headquarters was written by Fred Taylor and is in the category Media Issues at GoPetition.