#Human Rights
United States of America

I am watching one of my relatives and their fellow coworkers live without basic human rights and poor health because for years black Food Bank employees in Georgia and across the nation were denied retirement benefits and health insurance. They are in poor health, dying and living in poverty because of the practices of the Food Bank Industry supported by Feeding America and the Georgia Food Bank Association. One worker was forced to pull his own teeth while the food bank executives gave their friends bonuses and health insurance. There is more than one way to place a knee on a man’s neck and kill him. The Georgia Food Bank Administrators have their knees on the wallets of hundreds of people that attempt to move out of poverty which leads to slow death. The food bank model gives poor people a can of beans but not sustainable economic opportunities which are given exclusively to only one type of person and race. Several employees are living in poverty while others are being given a $200,000 bonus. Our goal is balance and fairness which will allow other employees to receive financial and retirement benefits similar to the wealthy executives.

We need your support to demand that the Georgia Food Bank Association and Middle Georgia Food Bank give all Food Bank Employees equal rights. Help us fight for justice. If you give us your support below then we can expose these practices and release the chains that are restricting the progress of thousands of people. Corporate Sponsors, state and federal officials need to hear our voices to generate change. Here are our demands for Jeff Batcher, Danah Craft and Kathy McCollum (see emails below). Please use the messages below to take action with the funders that are unaware of this abuse of power, injustice and greed.

1. Equal Retirement Benefits - Give the Black Employees in Georgia retirement plans similar to the plan that was given to Mr. Mike M, Mr. Ron R and his son. One employee was given a bonus of $200,000 while others were given nothing. There are ‘Zero’ black employees that have been given a retirement plan in 30 years at the Middle Georgia Food Bank. Georgia Food Bank Association refuses to address the injustice. One of the employees being denied retirement benefits still works at the Food Bank and lives beside a toxic landfill because the Food Bank administrators have denied him any retirement benefits or advancement opportunities. He has a fantastic performance record and has always received positive employee evaluations. Another employee that started at the same time as this employee has been promoted 3 times and owns a nice home with a swimming pool. When the Board of Directors was informed about this injustice, one board member stated that it does not matter because the employees are older and the injustice began 20 years ago.

2. Return the retirement funds that were denied to many Black employees because these employees are struggling to survive during their retirement. One of them is still renting a small house for 20 years because his income was so small from the Middle Georgia Food Bank. The Board of Directors proposed an idea to name the break room after a black employee that was denied retirement to minimize this issue and cover up the injustice. One employee was given leftover food instead insurance and a retirement plan similar to other employees.

3. Promotion Opportunities - Allow Black employees to be promoted and advance forward when they have a good work performance. There have been ‘Zero’ Hispanic, Asian or black employees promoted in 35 years by a white manager.

4. Bonus Plans are given only to certain people within a particular class or race. One employee in Georgia was given a bonus of $200,000 because he was considered more valuable than the other people on the team. He believes that he achieved his success all alone without any sweat or hard work from other people.

5. Public Apology for damaging and ruining the lives of many people that were denied their equal rights by Jeff Batcher, Danah Craft and Kathy McCollum on the Board of Directors. When they were informed they did nothing to correct the abuse.

6. The GA. Food Bank Association has never allowed a hispanic, black or asian on their executive committee.

Winning means that the Board of Directors will stop abuse, treat everyone on a equal basis, compensate the victims and repair the lives that have been damaged.

We need you. Do not ignore this cruel treatment.

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The Abuse of Food Bank Workers - petition to NAACP was written by C Smith and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.