#Media Issues
United States of America

There is rarely an occurrence where you can go to see a movie in IMAX and have the option for it to not be in 3-D.

While 3-D has some cool effects, the glasses are extremely uncomfortable and as a whole it takes away from the movie going experience.

Until they can make 3-D better and the glasses comfortable, we need the ability to see a movie in IMAX without it being mandatory to be in 3-D.

We, the following people who have signed this document, are requesting the ability to see a movie in theaters as it available in IMAX 3D, just without the 3D feature.

Support 3D-Free IMAX Movies.

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The 3D-Free IMAX Movies petition to Hollywood was written by Paul Jaeger and is in the category Media Issues at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

movies IMAX 3D 3D-Free