200 Big Cats in Mexico Need Help - Support Their Transfer to TRUE Sanctuaries!
- Target:
- SEMARNAT y PROFEPA y Fiscalía General de Justicia de la Ciudad de México
- Region:
- Mexico
IN ENGLISH (desplácese hacia abajo para español por favor)
On July 6th, Mexican authorities raided a facility outside of Mexico City operated by the pseudo-sanctuary Black Jaguar-White Tiger Foundation (photo credit, Government of Mexico). Approximately 200 big cats including African lions, white lions, tigers, jaguars and pumas were seized. Eight cats in critical condition were relocated to local zoos for treatment. and the rest of the cats are still on-site, being monitored by government officials and veterinarians. Many are in poor condition - underweight, malnourished, and have open wounds. There is no running water or electricity where these animals are being kept. The future fate of these animals is up in the air.
A coalition of accredited big cat sanctuaries, animal welfare organizations, veterinarians and concerned citizens are urgently calling upon La Secretaría del Medio Ambiente (Sedema) de la Ciudad de México, Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT) and Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente (PROFEPA) to allow the ~200 big cats to be transferred to established, reputable and accredited sanctuaries that can provide them with the care they require and eliminate any need for future rescue.
As there are no accredited big cat sanctuaries accredited in Mexico, the coalition is asking for the animals to be sent to accredited sanctuaries in the U.S. - where more than 16 sanctuaries have already stepped up to offer transport, logistics and lifetime homes to at least 50 cats. The coalition is also working on identifying additional opportunities for placement of the remaining cats at other established, true sanctuaries.
We are requesting public support to stand with us to encourage officials to allow the transfer of these animals to the proposed accredited sanctuaries.
Leading the call for support is San Diego’s Lions Tigers & Bears big cat and exotic animal sanctuary https://www.lionstigersandbears.org/
“We need to keep these animals from going from one bad situation to another,” said Bobbi Brink, founder and director of Lions Tigers & Bears. “These cats are underweight, malnourished and have open wounds … they need to be transferred to accredited sanctuaries so they can live their lives safely and with dignity."
The worst case scenario is that these animals end up going from one bad situation to another – and we CANNOT let this happen! And it won't if they transferred to TRUE sanctuaries.
The facility the animals are currently being kept in is not suitable for long-term sustainable care of these animals. And with so many animals in question, this case requires significant resources, expertise, and specialized care to ensure the well-being of these apex predators. Captive big cats can live upwards of 15-20 years in captivity and can eat more than 10 lbs (4.5 kgs) of food a day. Many of these animals are in poor condition and will require ongoing veterinary care.
It must be noted that unlike Black Jaguar White Tiger Foundation, who regarded themselves as a “sanctuary”, these facilities are actually sanctuaries. By definition a true sanctuary does not allow public contact, breeding nor the trade or sale of the animals in their care. A true sanctuary provides the highest level of care to each animal for the entirety of their life.
Lions Tigers & Bears launched a GoFundMe page to send the on-the-ground veterinary team medical supplies, including medicine, wound care, antiseptic, de-wormer, pain treatment, microchip supplies, and more as they care for the cats. https://www.gofundme.com/f/200-big-cats-in-mexico-need-help
For years, the Black Jaguar-White Tiger Foundation's facility has been a travel destination for actors, reality TV stars, athletes and artists, who have taken part in public contact with the animals. Unfortunately, the facility deceived its visitors by operating under the guise of "conservation."
A true sanctuary doesn't allow contact or breeding, when you see a facility conducting such practices, it is a huge red flag," said Brink. "Facilities that allow full contact with big cats need to breed constantly in order to have a supply of cubs for photo opportunities. Facilities like these only have the interest of the owner in mind... while the animals are the ones that suffer, as we've seen with Black Jaguar-White Tiger."
This petition is officially endorsed by:
• American Sanctuary Association
• Alison Eastwood, Film & Television Director, Founder & President of Eastwood Ranch Foundation
• Animal Defenders International
• Big Cat Rescue
• Christy Lee, Vice President of Protect Animals Worldwide
• CompassionWorks International
• Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries
• In Defense of Animals
• Keepers of the Wild
• Lions Tigers & Bears Big Cat & Exotic Animal Sanctuary
• MVZ Ricardo Montaño, Managing Director Finca "La Isla" Papantla, Veracruz
• Shazir Haque, Founder & Executive Director Shizzy's Wildcat Rescue
• Sofia Shinas, Animal Welfare Activist, Actress, Director, Writer
• Sue Blodgett, Animal Activist
• Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge
• William McNamara, Actor, Board Member of Eastwood Ranch Foundation
“The American Sanctuary Association encourages these animals be sent to true accredited sanctuaries where they can receive the lifetime care they deserve.”
"CompassionWorks International and its constituents ask the Mexican government to please send the Black Jaguar White Tiger confiscated animals to accredited sanctuaries where they can receive the care and attention so needed at this juncture. Mexico faces a tremendous burden with the vast numbers of exotic animals rescued due to the great work Mexico has accomplished to eliminate cruelties like animal circuses. We ask now that transfers to accredited sanctuaries in the United States be initiated in order to ensure that the animals involved with BJWT have the highest and best chance for a future free from additional suffering." — Carrie LeBlanc, M.A. Executive Director
“Animals removed from Black Jaguar–White Tiger Foundation deserve to have a fresh start, after enduring abuse, neglect, and malnutrition so severe that some big cats had apparently started cannibalizing themselves to survive—and facilities accredited by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries would give these rescued animals gold standard care. After sounding the alarm over Black Jaguar–White Tiger for years, PETA joins with Lions Tigers & Bears in calling for these refugees from abuse and neglect to be retired to lush U.S. sanctuaries, where they would finally be able to play, engage in natural behavior, and lead active lives free from deprivation and despair.” — Brittany Peet, PETA Foundation Deputy General Counsel for Captive Animal Law Enforcement
"I applaud the Mexican government and PROFEPA for shutting down what I've long believed to be one of the 3 worst big cat facilities in the world when you took control of Black Jaguar White Tiger. I've used your swift action to ask my own government to shut down the last two which are in the U.S. I would implore you to work with true sanctuaries, defined by NOT breeding, buying, selling, allowing public contact nor taking the cats off site for exhibition as you further refine your laws. The Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries is the gold standard for animal sanctuaries and I hope you will utilize the collective expertise of accredited members in your current situation." — Carole Baskin, CEO of Big Cat Rescue
“Animal Defenders International applauds the efforts of Mexican officials to rescue the animals at Black Jaguar, White Tiger. It is disgraceful that these animals, which had already been rescued from horrible situations, would be neglected and mistreated at a place which called itself a sanctuary. ADI urges SEDEMA, SEMARNAT y PROFEPA, to allow the animals to go to accredited sanctuaries in the US, who would ensure the animals will not be exploited for entertainment, and will receive the veterinarian treatment and lifelong care and enrichment they deserve.” — Jan Creamer, Animal Defenders International President.
"The Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) supports and encourages the placement of the animals removed from the Black Jaguar–White Tiger Foundation to GFAS accredited sanctuaries. These animals have endured so much and deserve to live and thrive in true, accredited sanctuaries - an environment where the wellbeing and care of each individual animal is always the highest priority."
"In Defense of Animals, an international animal protection organization with a 39-year history, is calling on Mexican authorities to release all of the seized big cats to accredited U.S sanctuaries, where they will be well cared for and provided with a natural, spacious, and peaceful home. These greatly suffering animals deserve to have a fresh start in an environment where they can heal and thrive." — Brittany Michelson, Captive Animals Campaigner, IDA
El 6 de julio, las autoridades mexicanas allanaron una instalación en las afueras de la Ciudad de México operada por el pseudo-santuario Black Jaguar-White Tiger Foundation (crédito de la foto, el Gobierno de México). Se incautaron aproximadamente 200 grandes felinos, incluyendo leones africanos, leones blancos, tigres, jaguares y pumas. Ocho gatos en estado crítico fueron trasladados a zoológicos locales para recibir tratamiento y el resto de los gatos todavía están en el lugar, siendo monitoreados por funcionarios gubernamentales y veterinarios. Muchos están en malas condiciones: bajo peso, desnutridos y con heridas abiertas. No hay agua ni electricidad donde se mantienen estos animales. El futuro de estos animales es incierto.
Una coalición de santuarios acreditados de grandes felinos, organizaciones de bienestar animal, veterinarios y ciudadanos preocupados hacen un llamado urgente a la Secretaría del Medio Ambiente (Sedema) de la Ciudad de México, la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT) y la Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente (PROFEPA) para permitir que los más de 200 grandes felinos sean trasladados a santuarios establecidos, de buena reputación y acreditados que puedan brindarles la atención que requieren y eliminar cualquier necesidad de rescate en el futuro.
Como no hay santuarios de grandes felinos acreditados en México, la coalición solicita que los animales sean enviados a santuarios acreditados en los EE.UU. La coalición también está trabajando para identificar oportunidades adicionales para colocar a los gatos restantes en otros santuarios establecidos.
Estamos solicitando el apoyo público para que nos acompañe y anime a los funcionarios a permitir el traslado de estos animales a los santuarios acreditados propuestos.
Liderando la llamada de apoyo está la organización de Lions Tigers & Bears de San Diego, un santuario de grandes felinos y animales exóticos https://www.lionstigersandbears.org/.
“Necesitamos evitar que estos animales pasen de una mala situación a otra”, dijo Bobbi Brink, fundadora y directora de Lions Tigers & Bears. “Estos gatos están bajo peso, desnutridos y tienen heridas abiertas… necesitan ser trasladados a santuarios acreditados para que puedan vivir sus vidas con seguridad y dignidad”.
El peor de los casos es que estos animales puedan terminar pasando de una mala situación a otra, ¡y NO PODEMOS permitir que esto suceda! Y esto no sucederá si se transfieren a un santuario REAL.
Las instalaciones en las que se mantienen actualmente los animales no son adecuadas para el cuidado sostenible a largo plazo de estos animales. Y con tantos animales en cuestión, este caso requiere importantes recursos, experiencia y atención especializada para garantizar el bienestar de estos depredadores ápice. Los grandes felinos en cautiverio pueden vivir más de 15 a 20 años en cautiverio y pueden comer más de 4,5 kg (10 lb) de comida al día. Muchos de estos animales están en malas condiciones y requerirán atención veterinaria continua.
Cabe señalar que, a diferencia de Black Jaguar White Tiger Foundation, quienes se consideraban a sí mismos como un "santuario", estas instalaciones son en realidad santuarios. Por definición, un verdadero santuario no permite el contacto público, la cría ni el comercio o venta de los animales a su cargo. Un verdadero santuario brinda el más alto nivel de atención a cada animal durante toda su vida.
Lions Tigers & Bears lanzó una página de GoFundMe para enviar suministros médicos al equipo veterinario de México, incluyendo medicamentos, cuidado de heridas, antisépticos, desparasitantes, tratamiento del dolor, suministros de microchips y más mientras cuidan a los gatos.
Durante años, las instalaciones de la Fundación Black Jaguar-White Tiger han sido un destino de viaje para actores, estrellas de reality shows, atletas y artistas, que han tenido contacto público con los animales. Desafortunadamente, la instalación engañó a sus visitantes operando bajo la apariencia de "conservación".
“Un verdadero santuario no permite el contacto o la reproducción de animales. Cuando ves una instalación que realiza tales prácticas, es una mala señal”, dijo Brink. “Las instalaciones que permiten el contacto con los grandes felinos deben reproducirse constantemente para tener un suministro de cachorros para tomar fotografías. Instalaciones como estas solo tienen en mente el interés del propietario… mientras que los animales son los que sufren, como hemos visto con Black Jaguar-White Tiger”.
We, the undersigned, call on Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT), Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente (PROFEPA) and Fiscalía General de Justicia de la Ciudad de México to allow the transfer of the 200 big cats seized from Black Jaguar White Tiger Foundation's Ajusco facility to the true, accredited sanctuaries offering their support in the U.S.
Los suscritos hacemos un llamado a la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT) y a la Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente (PROFEPA) para que permitan el traslado de los 200 grandes felinos incautados de las instalaciones del Ajusco de la Fundación Black Jaguar White Tiger a verdaderos y acreditados santuarios que ofrecen su apoyo en los EE.UU.
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The 200 Big Cats in Mexico Need Help - Support Their Transfer to TRUE Sanctuaries! petition to SEMARNAT y PROFEPA y Fiscalía General de Justicia de la Ciudad de México was written by Lions Tigers & Bears and is in the category Animal Welfare at GoPetition.