The study of Karate involves physical exercise, learning, focus, commitment and dedication. These programs teach discipline and respect, and the… read more
yugioh 5d's uscito ormai dalla fine di novembre su psp e non ci sono ancora notizie sull'arrivo per la ps2.Inoltre… read more
Since the release of Masterchef Australia, there has been a widespread increase of teens wanting to be a chef and… read more
* Currently 6500 young Australian's live in aged care facilities. *21% go outside the aged care home less than once… read more
<請廣傳>「要求政府撤銷驗毒計劃」聯署行動檢視 修訂版本 週五, 2009-09-04 16:08 — 小生毛出沒注意 驗毒計劃殺到埋身,我們呼籲大家以個人及團體名義參與聯署,並廣邀其他團體及朋友簽署聯署信,希望社會關注我們的聲音!若政府繼續一意孤行,我們便會於十月下旬發起大型請願行動,希望社會各界人士,包括學生、家長、教師、社工及關心青年人的朋友一同參與我們的工作,向驗毒計劃說不! 如果各位有興趣參與聯署,請回覆此聯署信,並於回應中留下你的名稱及身份,或留下團體正式名稱,如有查詢,歡迎致電9128 5529與青年聯社召集人江貴生聯絡。’ read more
The dropout rates today are climbing to record heights. I am a Canadian Youth who is dumbstruck at the amount… read more
Cáo lỗi: Quý vị vẫn còn có thể ký tên vào Thỉnh Nguyện Thư này, tuy nhiên Ban Tổ chức… read more
The Sweetwater County Commissioners have cut their portion of the funding to the University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Office and… read more
Most places in Coppell are illegal to skateboard, places such as the Aquatic and Recreation Center, Public baseball and football… read more
Dena's School of the Arts aka DSA has been renting space from Elmcor for the past 17 years providing dance… read more