May 25, 2006 Aliquippa Street Department: The roads on this hill have not been paved in over six years! Where… read more
Pune is amongst the most polluted cities in India. Due to growing wealth within the low/middle-income groups, the number of… read more
April 27, 2006 Since world oil prices soared to record highs, Australians have had to dig deep into their pockets… read more
March 17, 2006 This winter the roads all over Ottawa have suffered from the continuous freeze and thaw. All minor… read more
March 14, 2006 City of Brazoria Lazy Lane in Brazoria is a dangerous road to travel and is in desperate… read more
March 14, 2006 I'am asking people to sign this petition so that I can get a traffic light or cation… read more
March 12, 2006 Review and Change of Victorian Motorcycle Learner Laws are a long time coming. We need to update… read more
March 10, 2006 Recently the Train station has become far busier and its car park cannot cope with the amount… read more
March 06, 2006 The Hebridean Celtic Festival in Stornoway is now in it's 11th year. For the past 10 years… read more
Feb 10, 2006 The government's plans for free travel for over-60s from 9:30 Mon-Fri and all day weekends have created… read more