June 29, 2006 Re: Town of Southport Issues: Hours of operation are not being enforced. No adult supervision during hours… read more
June 13, 2006 A petition to have fair water bills in our community read more
May 17, 2006 Since the complete opening of Medley Ridge Drive there has been an increase in the speed of… read more
May 11, 2006 The level two sex offenders should be posted for the public online and/or schools. My daughter is… read more
April 19, 2006 John Kenneth Hutchison is a Canadian Scientist who discovered levitation. http://www.hutchisoneffect.biz/PhotoGallery/Ash%20St%20Laboratory.html One day in 1979, upon starting… read more
April 17, 2006 The Petition to Pave Holly Hills has been a topic of many Holly Hills residents for quite… read more
April 16, 2006 Giving dogs their own place to play means they're less likely to disturb other members of our… read more
March 26, 2006 This is a petition to have a fence put up around the school yard of West Hurst… read more
March 25, 2006 This petition is to stop the increase of monthly dues. The homeowners would prefer to pay a… read more
March 21, 2006 Canebrake Apartments. There has been several breakins in our complex. The breakins are usually happening around poorly… read more