Good news are uplifting and inspiring while bad news are demoralizing and paralyzing. For the benefit of everyone's spiritual, mental,… read more
As Sue Blackmore wrote recently in The Guardian, "Morality is not the sole prerogative of the religious – there are… read more
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation is displaying a considerable bias towards one side of the political debate. This is not assured… read more
Celebrities every day are getting unwanted photos taken of them and put in newspapers. Just yesterday Australian spinner Shane Warne… read more
I have been amazed at the current web of negativity that the media is spreading and the overall pessimistic response… read more
MTV recently aired an episode called "True Life: I'm a Nuyorican" which featured the stories of three young people living… read more
Since April 2008, listeners of Sirius Satellite Radio have been able to become more enlightened with the wisdom from author,… read more
Le gouvernement français qui a la volonté de réformer l'Audiovisuel extérieur de la France (AEF) prétend créer l'équivalent de BBC,… read more
Babydolls R Delicious have started a Real Women campaign to try to change the way people feel about themselves and… read more
So basically, we all know what happened about Ronnie. Him going to jail and whatnot. And the sad thing is,… read more