According to the Finance Dept.: In November 2009 the city council of the City of Placentia, approved a permit requirement… read more
Tendring Council want to put railings all around the promenade as a health and safety precaution. Funny as we have… read more
Dana 28. januara 2010. god., Općinsko Vijeće Tuzla donijelo je odluku o poskupljenju usluga JP "Vodovod i kanalizacija" za 20… read more
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is a group of genetic disorders involving mutations in connective tissue characterized by looseness, instability, and dislocations of… read more
It has been 9 long years since the V8 Supercars (V8SC) were last at Canberra. This short-lived event ran from… read more
Four Local Area Coordinators have been operational in Argyll and Bute since 2002. Their appointments were a direct result of… read more
The municipal electric utilities choice legislation, will be re-filed in the Massachusetts legislature in the next session in January 2015.… read more
Massive Gypsy and Travellers Site Planned for Earlsfield!!! The plans Wandsworth council have tried to keep quiet, House prices to… read more
Stonebridge City Farm is being pressured by the city council to give up of 10% of the farms land as… read more
East Lothian Councils new adminsitration are once again trying to impose Coastal car park charges on the residents and visitors… read more