In recent years the homosexual community has been slowly getting some rights all except the one they all want. read more
The gay community is struggling for recognition on a country by country or in some instances state by state basis… read more
Leading Iran rights activist sentenced to 11 years Mohammadi campaigned for election transparency and ending child executions Mohammadi campaigned for… read more
Hashim is detained since 18/3/11 in bahrain prison. Accused of Incitement against the regime. Hashim is 1st class hons Engineering… read more read more
Current immigration laws in Australia prevent people with a disability migrating to Australia because it is presumed that they will… read more
Mahdieh Golroo, Student Activist and Member of The Council to Defend the Right to Education Mahdieh Golroo, student activist deprived… read more
For more information about why we need a moratorium on Income Management see: read more
In 1961, Amnesty International started campaigning and has worked around the globe to stop the abuse of human rights. In… read more
يعرب أهالي القتلى والمصابين وجموع الأقباط عن استيائهم من مرور أكثر من تسع شهور حتى الآن… read more