Sri Lanka traffic police have prohibited full face helmets since today (07/11/2013). We can not accept this as people. Because… read more
Byron said NO to Water Fluoridation. Councillors in the Byron, Lismore and Ballina shires have been approached by the NSW… read more
Mahnaz Mohammadi dedicated her life to help giving women in Iran a voice. She has tirelessly protested against injustices. She… read more
We should be allowed to put flower tributes on our loved ones' graves but after reading the local paper the… read more
There has been too many teenage suicides on these tracks in the last few years and so many more that… read more
Macquarie Univeristy is closing down a vital service for students and staff with disabilities. Formed in 2004, Macquarie University Accessibility… read more
There has been three reports by Dr. Ahmad Shaheed , UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in… read more
連日來工會要求行政長官梁振英先生對免費牌照事件作出回應,至今仍未能給予市民清晰具體的理據,面對數以十萬計市民遊行集會的訴求,行政長官視而不見,我們感到極度失望及憤怒。 read more
Mohammad Abdullahi who has been charged on collaboration with Komala party, has been sentenced to execution by branch 1 of… read more
Women of Saudi Arabia are not allowed to obtain a driver's license, thereby enabling them to operate a motor vehicle.… read more