Ohio adoption records need to be opened. More and more people are looking for biological relatives even years after they… read more
In 1947 India and Pakistan came into existence breaking free from British colonial rule. The agreement signed by the three… read more
Canada has experienced a serious shoortage of affordable housing over the past few years. As a result many peole have… read more
Nous avont un probleme serieux regardant les sans abris dans notre pays, ce probleme a ete cree par les coupures… read more
This petition is to stop the abuse and torture of union leaders in Chile read more
Since the Gulf War, the United States' sanctions on Iraq have killed over 700,000 children. This crime of a mass… read more
El DR: Oscar Elias Biscet, Esta preso en Cuba, Por defender la libertad y los derechos Humanos, Que todo ser… read more
Despite the 1997 election of President Khatami, widely perceived as a moderate who would ease restrictions on women, his limited… read more
This is an international petition to urge the Castro government to free Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet who is unjustly held… read more
Honorio Montanez has served 15 years in the Alabama Prison System on a 5 year mandatory sentence. He will be… read more