Plastic pollution how did it get this bad? Plastic, once our “friend” in the fifties, has now become nature's “enemy”.… read more
Jumps Racing in Australia, is only done in two states, SA & VIC. NSW Has banned it, while all other… read more
Any dog registered as a Pitbull or Pitbull cross is instantly declared a dangerous dog, and the owners must adhere… read more
In 2009 a War Memorial Plaque was placed to honor ANZAC and Assyrian allied forces of both world wars in… read more
There is a failure to systematically address issues confronting South Australian Metropolitan Public Hospitals and Health Services, namely:
The people claimed to be leading climate scientists won’t debate in public and won’t provide their data. What is it… read more
SAMs have been transferring to SAO position by choice for well over 10 years. This transfer opportunity for SAMs was… read more
On Friday 12th August, RMIT decided to discontinue the program, the only disability specific degree course in Victoria. There are… read more
In Victoria pit bull type dogs are subject to some restrictions such as desexing, microchipping and confinement but are still… read more
Save the Scenic Hills from Gas wells and any other development on it. Leave our Green Spaces alone. read more