As you may or may not know, student loan interest rates have recently dropped to an all-time of low 4.06%… read more
a read more
Sharon Murphy has very large breasts. I feel that people deserve to see them. read more
For many years reptiles have been kept as the ideal pet. They are hardy in captivity, get few diseases and… read more
I am a middle school student. Our gym teacher in most students' opinion is behaving inappropiately. Such as when we… read more
In Sept 2002 school nurses were cut. Due to the goverment we have no school nurses in our Staten Island,… read more
We the parents Of the Lowell School System would like to abolish the uniform policy due to the fact they… read more
The USS America Museum Foundation is dedicated to all patriotic Americans and especially to all the men and women that… read more
Students are required to take a 30 level Math course to recieve a diploma. However, the requirement for Science courses… read more
Recent Knowledge about Mrs. Gonzalez (P-K Grade Teacher) having to leave Alicia Ruiz School has prompted parents to start a… read more