They Died In A Car Accident On October 29 th 2007 at around 10pm on route 134 between Saint-Louis-de-Kent and… read more
Susquehanna township high school Every year we have had to pay an amount of fifty dollars to the school to… read more
Children in year 7 -10 at Secondary schools should be able to have a choice if they choose to study… read more
Brandon Sealey was one of Griffin's best skateboarders. He was just recently killed due to a skating incident at "The… read more
How can we not see the possibility of our youth rights being violated at these Job Corps Facilities.… read more
A Wise Choice is currently in the start up phase. AWC will bring this community a much needed environment for… read more
Currently, all cap and gowns are black. This petition is to get the cap and gowns changed to light blue,… read more
Sophmores are not allowed to drive to school in the Dysart School District. But some students are on variances and… read more
Well you see, for a few years now me and my friends have been asking the council to build us… read more
(以下為Mr.徐 發給教育局的信) 你好!我是高雄市五福國中的學生我會向教育局投訴是因為我們學生真的已經看不慣了 五福國中的訓導主任張素杏張主任他管學生的方式過於偏激服裝儀容 大家其實都可以做得到我們國中生穿短襪但是也沒說短到看不到頭穿短袖的運動服配運動長褲這樣穿過份嗎?頭髮過於肩一定要綁起來?穿制服男女一定要扎衣服?且一定要穿夏季服裝難道有困難也不行嗎?如果以上規則無法遵守就要打電話請父母來學校一趟!!難道父母親不忙嘛? 沒扎衣服而已也要請父母親來替你扎現在經濟很不好每個父母一小時的鐘點費已經很需要了還得要請個價還學校替自己兒女扎衣服?這樣說會不會太過份了? read more