In Nepal, almost all municipalities poison dogs in order to control their numbers and (feared) outbreaks of rabies. The images… read more
The Nepal government is planning to develop Kanchenjunga Conservation Area (KCA) as a hunting reserve. The Animal Welfare Network Nepal… read more
Animal Sacrifice in Gadhimai and Manakamana are nothing but cruelty against animal rights. Gadhimai is the name of one of… read more
The Khokana Festival in Nepal is held annually in August. During the festival a young female goat is thrown into… read more
In Nepal annually hundreds of thousands of animals are killed in the name of culture and religion, some in an… read more
Strengthen the Nepali/Tibetan Rug Industry and Enhance Livelihoods for Nepali/Tibetan Refugee Weavers and Artisans The economic potential of the Nepali… read more
Can you picture 7,000 young buffaloes being rounded up and killed by a thousand drunk men carrying large knives? A… read more
Working donkeys of Nepal are among the most neglected creatures in the country. They toll and slave in brick killns,… read more
Nepal: you may all know that this beautiful country still lives as third world country. The researches shows that more… read more
August 8, 2006 Poor Nepalese girls as young as 9 are sold into sex slavery as a meager way to… read more