In Australia, the rights of convicted sex offenders seem to take precedence over victims' rights. Especially with paedophiles. Serial sex… read more
Synthetic Marijuana, Legal cannaboids, bath salts, tobacco, potpourri, incense, spice, aromatic and any and all derivatives of such are becoming… read more
Personal information is not a directly protected right within the U.S. Constitution. This petition goal is to rectify this concern… read more
Maria Defino, 36, was cycling down Bunnerong Road in Pagewood alongside her husband Daniel shortly after 10.30am on Sunday June… read more
The Child Support system is generally unreasonable - There are more issues than one can mention - Please comment where… read more
The Macedonian-speaking population in Greece is indigenous to the land, and their Macedonian language holds an vital place in their… read more
Our family has been homesteading in Fairview Township (zip 16415) in Pennsylvania since 1976 on nearly three acres of land… read more
The health, safety & human rights of South Australian Sex Workers are compromised/negated under the laws set down in the… read more
Στην Αγγλία τα κράνη έχουν μηδενικό ΦΠΑ, σε άλλες χώρες της Ευρώπης έχουν ΦΠΑ αντίστοιχο των φαρμάκων. Στην Ελλάδα παρά… read more
We call on the NSW premier Mr Barry O'Farrell to immediately take measures to abolish the NSW Firearm Registry and… read more