To: The UNHCR Representation in Phnom Penh, Cambodia # 2 Street 352 Khan Chamcar Morn P.O. Box 539 Phnom Penh… read more
If the slave trade was abolished in the UK over 200 years ago, why are more than 80 women trafficked… read more
Since seeing the channel four programme on Thursday 13th September 2007 I am vowing to take action and get support… read more
The European Convention on Human Rights was signed by the UK government in 1998 without any prior consent from the… read more
Tiananmen Mothers are the mothers and family members of the victims who were killed or injured in the June Fourth… read more
We express our concern for Pennsylvania death row inmates Carol King (OC 7210) Michelle Tharp (OF 6593) and Shonda Walter… read more
A petition concerning the killing of Ogaden people and their rights for freedom. Please visit for more info. read more
From the 1st July 2007 it has become illegal to smoke in any place of work including; work vehicles taxis… read more
反對一切形式的密室政治,還我公民基本選舉權 自馬力先生逝世,遺下立法會港島區議席空缺,不少社會人士磨拳擦掌,公開宣佈參加立法會補選。本來多位有識之士參與選舉,向公眾發表政見,能否得到市民支持,正正透過公平競爭才可得出結論。 令人遺憾的是,泛民陣營為增加在補選中的勝算,設立初選機制(或稱協調機制),為這次本應普遍而平等的立法會補選之中加上門檻,以「爭取普選」的名義巧立明目,實質建立另一個小圈子選舉,篩選候選人,抑壓反對聲音。 根據泛民達成共識的初選機制,民調只有50%影響力,餘下的決定權,卻落在泛民各黨派約三百名代表投票決定以及區議員所有。 按此分配,泛民各黨派約三百名代表及區議員已剝削港島區選民50%直接選舉權,嚴重違返基本法第26條及國際人權公約。何以泛民陣營中口口聲聲為香港市民爭取普及而平等的選舉,同時卻掠奪港島區選民政治權利,限制這次補選候選人數目﹖ 不但如此,以民主黨為首的政壇元老,高調呼籲某位社會賢達參加補選,營造社會壓力,使其他有意參選人士知難而退,另一方面,民主黨內通過選舉而產生的代表卻放棄參與補選,使得本來已不民主的初選機制形同虛設,情況更見獨裁,民主黨多年以帶領香港市民爭取民主為定位,如此蔑視選舉結果,與「為求確保選舉結果合意」的政權無異,試問何以服眾﹖
BACKGROUND: is an online dating company that also sets up local speed dating services in 100 cities across the… read more