Destruction of jobs, business and consumer confidence. Tasmania has suffered massif job losses and economic damage at the hands of… read more
1000s of People will Lose there jobs in bars pubs, nightclubs, emergency services and the police force plus it will… read more
More than 75 million of lives of youth are under serious risks caused by depression and lack of hope of… read more
On January 1, 2013 the Australian Federal Government moved 80,000 single parents onto the job seeker market by changing their… read more
Earlier this week, a receipt posted to Reddit went viral. The receipt showed a zero tip, along with an explanation… read more
EI and the 2012 Federal Budget To execute its 2012 Budget, the federal Government introduced Bills C-38 and C-45 which… read more
Forster Private Hospital nurses deserve fair pay. Pulse Health, the owner of Forster Private, has allowed our wages to fall… read more
In 2009 the following petition was posted online and in local businesses, and got over 1000 signatures (read more
Petition to the House of Commons in Parliament Assembled: We, the undersigned residents of Canada, draw attention of the House… read more
Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC) nurses working under the Department of Family and Community Services are the first nurses… read more