Η εξαγγελθείσα, και μάλιστα άμεσα, κατάργηση των Συμβουλίων των πανεπιστημιακών ιδρυμάτων δεν έχει τη συναίνεση των καθηγητών και των καθηγητριών… read more
Grand Island has a long and rich history of excellence in instrumental and vocal music. Music is academic and curricular,… read more
Under the proposed budget cuts, a reduction in the school week is being considered. This will impact all our children,… read more
Air conditioned classrooms will benefit our children by helping them focus better on education and learn in a more comfortable… read more
This is a fantastic school that gives its all to each and every student. read more
The IS program was created more than 25 years ago, following an agreement signed between the French government and Miami-Dade… read more
Le programme a été créé il y a plus de 25 ans, suite à un accord signé entre le Gouvernement… read more
WHEREAS, in 2010, the Ontario Liberal government promised to consult with voters before implementing a revised sex education curriculum; WHEREAS,… read more
To parents, pupils, carers and ex-pupils, the value of the Hewett School is incalculable. With its dedicated staff, extensive grounds… read more