Snowfall is an upcoming American crime drama television series created by John Singleton. Set in Los Angeles circa 1983, the… read more
The Howard Beach Citizens Safety Patrol is a official non-for-profit organization that works on quality of life issues and patrols… read more
Putting a leash on a child, is cruel. They are not animals. If you can't watch your kids closely, then… read more
Trump’s Education Budget Takes Aim at the Working Class In 1965, the federal government, driven by the obligation to provide… read more
This petition is to gather and show COMMUNITY SUPPORT for the Proposed Ace Basin Speedway which we hope would include… read more
Whereas Congressman Mark Sanford (R-SC) introduced HR 2391 on May 4, 2017 to phase out federal funding for public transportation… read more
Attention: SHARPSBURG RESIDENTS Plans have been made by a business owner to destroy the 1629/1631 Mary's Avenue house and property… read more
The Governor and Legislature approved the U.S. Highway 12 (USH 12) Environmental Impact Study (EIS) in the 2013/15 budget directing… read more
The rule, published in the Federal Register on Dec. 19, will identify certain individuals receiving benefits to be reported to… read more
Matco bill owns a franchise with matco tools. For years his truck has sported a flame engulfed hood, now his… read more