Well there are many evidences in today's culture, that point to pushing Christ out of CHRISTmas. Just recently Macy's and… read more
Working within the church with reference to the Ecclesia Dei adflicta 1988 of Pope John Paul II. read more
The religious studies department at Willamette has unjustly left Islam out of its curriculum. Islam is the world's second largest… read more
Brad Molldrem has been a valuable member of the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd and has held a position… read more
When a like-minded person went into Aston Community Library to enquire the date of the annual Halloween activities they were… read more
Petition für Papst Benedikt XVI. Die Rede des Papstes ist vollkommen richtig! Der Papst zitierte einen christlich-byzantinischen Kaiser aus dem… read more
Last Updated: Friday, 15 September 2006, 11:08 GMT 12:08 UK Muslim anger grows at Pope speech The Pope’s comments came… read more
July 28, 2006 All Christians, regardless of denomination and location, are welcome to sign this petition. Please pray for all… read more
June 18, 2006 Children and Teenagers in America, nay, the entire world, for all history, have been forced into beliefs… read more
June 10, 2006 The Da Vinci Code movie presents as the historical Jesus someone who is not recognisable in the… read more