Message from Philip Wollen OAM Founder "Winsome Constance Kindness" My message is simple. Urge all the branches of government to… read more
Breed Specific Legislation in Australia, is a law unfairly targetting even responsible owners and killing innocent dogs. Too often dog… read more
Lets make our playground safer for our kids. The main roads are too close to the playground to leave it… read more
The McKenzie family have caretaken the Eureka pool for 39 years. They have served the community well. They have always… read more
After so many accidents and deaths on our local road, we need governments help to repair our roads.. read more
The Universities Governing Bodies Bill 2011, passed through NSW Parliament in October, will allow Universities to opt to reduce the… read more
One of Darren Hanlon's two dreams have come true... he's met Eli Wallach and made a music clip with him,… read more
This petition has been made to further community awareness of Alley's story, so that future changes can be made before… read more
36th Battalion Park is frequented and enjoyed by many families with young children. The perimeter does not have a fence,… read more
More than 60% of Australians support Same Sex Marriage. This petition is encouraging Prime Minister Julia Gillard to make Marriage… read more