The free movement of persons is a fundamental right guaranteed to European Union (EU) citizens by the Treaties. It is… read more
In Our community, a friend of ours has been unnecessarily beaten down by the LOCAL political machine. We're all aware… read more
Early Wednesday morning, January 21 2009, Phil khan, a local Surrey man, was working down town when he was beaten… read more
Εν όψει των απειλών του κράτους του Ισραήλ εναντίον του Στόλου της ελευθερίας, θεωρώ ότι οι κυβερνήσεις των δυτικών χωρών… read more
We are demanding that the Government STOP raising the tax of fuel and take a look at the harm it… read more
В настоящее время сложилась ситуация, при которой граждане РФ, желающие уплатить госпошлину, штраф, или осуществить иные платежи в бюджет, принуждены… read more
Police brutality and abuse of innocent UK citizens has gone too far. Most police forces are now owned by private… read more
For many years Wasaga Beach has had a dog friendly beach. Two years ago the endangered Piping Plover started nesting… read more
La situación de Franklin Brito es crítica. Está solicitando ser atendido por la Cruz Roja para abandonar la huelga de… read more
This petition is being started to persuade District Attorney, Drew Lane, AND/OR the NAACP AND/OR other public officials, to take… read more