Surfing industry reps

Demand an environmentally friendly surfing industry now!

Please help us encourage the surfing industry to be more environmentally and ethically responsible. Sign the letter bellow and let them know that we don’t want our equipment to contribute to the destruction of our planet and the waves that navigate it.

We will keep this petition open until the 1st of September 2008 at which point it will be sent to surf companies and surf shops around the world.

Dear Sir/Madam

We are writing to you with regard to our concern about the current environmental crisis. We would like to encourage you to work hard to make the surf industry as clean as possible.

As surfers we are directly dependent on the environment, we are people in search of freedom and harmony with the elements. The surfing industry has grown rich on the back of this image. Our planet is now under serious threat from global warming and as surfers we would like to demand an environmentally friendly surfing industry.

We would also like to voice our concern about the poor working conditions in many of the countries where surf products are produced. We therefore encourage you to conduct every aspect of your business ethically.

We would like to let you know that we the undersigned surfers will actively try to purchase our surfing equipment and clothing from surf companies who act in an ethically and environmentally responsible manner.

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The Surfers for a Responsible Surf Industry petition to Surfing industry reps was written by Adam Buick and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.

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