Community Members
United States of America

Green Tech Rochester will be an Expansion of Green Tech High Charter School (GTH) in Albany, NY. Because of the success of GTH, we believe it is time to start another Green Tech to help change the culture and outcomes for the youth of Rochester.
The Mission of Green Tech Rochester Elementary (GTR) is a school that will change the lives and trajectories for young men in the Rochester community. GTR provides opportunities that have never been seen or achieved in the city of Rochester. Green Tech Rochester Elementary is a game changer, which provides every scholar an opportunity to develop in a safe environment with the appropriate amount of rigor and support. Each scholar will exceed the standards and write their own standards for their future lives. This school is Pre-K through 6th grade, with the ability to grow out through 12th grade. Green Tech Rochester Elementary for boys will guarantee students leave with the necessary skills to be successful in middle school, high school, and college.

Since the founding of the school in 2008, Green Tech High Charter School has been dedicated to ensure that all students, regardless of race, class, or economic circumstance develop the skills, motivation, and perseverance required to complete college. With the success of our schools in Albany, NY, we want to expand to Rochester, NY to offer the same opportunities to the students there.

What can you expect from Green Tech Rochester?:
• STEM Based Education
• Smaller Class Sizes
• Teaching to the Male Brain
• Intensive Support around ELA and MATH
• Creative Out of the Box Instructional Environment
• Culturally Competent Curriculum designed for the Young Black Male
• Relationship Building
• Unconventional Approach to Education
• Data Driven Instruction
• High Accountability for Parents, Community, Staff, Teachers, Admin, and Students

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The Support Green Tech Rochester Elementary School petition to Community Members was written by Princess Elyse and is in the category Education at GoPetition.