- Target:
- Cabinet of Ministers, concerned Governmental parties
- Region:
- Egypt
- Website:
- groups.yahoo.com
Update March 2013: shared by GoPetition on Facebook. Petition originally published in May 2007.
Update 6 November 2010: Massive killing is taking place all over Egypt, the GOVS take Minia Governorate as a successful example, the Governor of Menia killed all the dogs in Menia.
For all concerned about the current massacre of dogs in Egypt
Very clearly the GOVS (General Organization of Veterinary Services) will not stop this massacre all over Egypt unless the Animal Welfare Societies set an immediate meeting with the Chairperson of General Organization of Veterinary Services (GOVS)to discuss feasable solutions.
The GOVS proposes, 4 units to be allotted to the AW societies who wish to conduct TNR projects or relocate dogs in some areas where the GOVS received most complaints from some citizens. The GOVS states, they have little resources in terms of operations equipments, but they have those facilities, man power, and vets. Unless the AW societies make this step the massacre will continue. I make call to all AW societies, to be one hand in facing this massacre, I call AW societies to forget all the differences between them and unite for stopping the current and future massacre.
Please find the contact info of All or most OF THE AW SOCIETIES IN EGYPT, and also the contacts of GOVS:
AW societies in Egypt
Egyptian Society of Animal Friends ESAF
Chairperson: Mr Ahmed El Sherbiny
Mobile: 0122111162
Telephones: +2 02 33817681
President: Mrs. Amina Abaza
16 Taha Hussein Street
Tel: + 20 (12) 316 2912/218 8823
Fax: + 20 (2) 2737 0849
Miss Bahra Fahmy
Miss Mona Khalil
Sakkara Country Club road, villa al bab al ali
Tel: (002) 0122188823 – 0105522930
mona_khalil@yahoo.com, nazihhammad@yahoo.com
Mrs Anouchka Mellin
9 El Hadid Wa Al Solb street, Midan Lebnan, Mohandessin
Tel/ (002) 0101963712
Animal Welfare Association for Research and Education (AWARE)
Ahmed Diab & Amr Hamdy
Tel: 0127734886
Shahira El Khadem
Villa 4 , Road 277, New Maadi
Tel: (002) (02) 2516 40 10
Villa 11, Block 4, Ground Floor, El Togarayeen City, Al Mokattam,
Tel: (002) (02) 25076946
Website: http://www.ace-egypt.org.uk/
Animal Care in Egypt (ACE)
El H'abil Road
Luxor, Egypt
Kim Taylor
Contact: +2 959 280727
kim@ace-egypt.org.uk kim@ace-egypt.org.uk
Dr. Shehab AbdelHamid
Contacts: +2 :0103888201
Egyptian Federation for Animal Welfare
Farouk El Dessouky
Morad Ragheb
Mobile: 0127921600
Office: +2 33355884
Professor Dr. Mohamed Mustafa El Garhy
Dr. Hassan Shafik: (002) (02) 337481764
..................end of post Nov. 6, 2010
The Government in Egypt still insists on using strychnine poison to address stray dogs problems in Egypt.
Regardless of warnings of danger of using this poison on man and animals Gen. Vet Services insists. Whilst the Utility police force insist on shooting dogs regardless of the plea from Animal welfare groups and organizations in Egypt. The legislation, one was submitted by Animal Friends, but refused due to points which were found redundant, another legislation was proposed by OIE conference held in Cairo last month, God only knows if there is any hope in coming up with a legislation or applying the standards submitted by OIE.
Update September 2010
Mass shooting and poisoning is taking place in a big scale now, it seems that the excuse now is: a rabies infected dog has bitten a person, so, the Governors of various Governorates order mass shooting or mass poisoning.. without investigation.... this is done, healthy unhealthy animals, this is done, dangers of strychnine poison on environment, this is done... Pressure must be kept on. Each Sunday the petition updated would be emailed to the Governors, Cabinet of Ministers, Ministers involved. We will not give up.
Update April 20, 2009
First and second phase of Participatory Planning Project were successful, some differences is surfacing within Egyptian Federation members regarding the issue of the possibility of conducting euthanasia on healthy animals. Matters are halted as EFAW, Egyptian Federation members are split to two parties now because of euthanasia issue.
As for the legislation, no way to push the legislation which was conducted by AW societies, it is obvious and clear, the Ministry of Agriculture has to form committee to work on legislation, this committee would include animal welfare societies and not visa versa as was done before.
Massive shooting of dogs continues as police claims they receive complaints from citizens in the neighbourhood where stray dogs group.
Update Dec., 2008
WSPA had signed agreement with Egytian Federation to conduct Participatory Planning Project for the problem of stray dogs in Cairo. The workshops were conducted by the National Research Center of Egypt, attended by all stake holders, Govs., Vets, Animal Welfare Societies (not all), Representation from Ministry of Interior, Representation Ministry of Agriculture, families concerned, Central Zoos Representative, .. etc
Update Nov. 8, 2008
reports received of shooting stray dogs 8pm in Giza Square. AWAR group inquired from Utility police unit of Giza, yes they did as they received complaints from an individual stating that the dogs are attacking people, when confronting the police officer, he said they killed rabie infected dogs, who told you the dogs you killed had rabies, answer: they look so?!!
Update Nov. 7, 2008
Qena Governorate, Northern Aswan, Ahram newspaper reports that 2 wolves attacked two citizens in daylight? The wolves were slaughtered. I suspect the Governor of Qena in defense would order mass killing of dogs, the guards of the city. I suspect the eco system of Aswan, South of Qena was disturbed after the mass killing of 2300 dogs, thus wildlife, had to travel or exit the city of Aswan, it is known that wolves can travel 30 to 50 miles per day.
Update Nov. 5, 2008
Ahram Newspaper published:
Animal Welfare Organizations in Egypt, counts 9 in Egypt, condemned the killing of 2300 stray dogs in Aswan and Dina Zulfikar, coordinator of Animal Welfare Organizations in Egypt fears that ecological imbalance may occur as a result of extermination of stray dogs which are considered the first defense for cities against harmful animals which habitats in the mountains surrounding Aswan. With the illumination of those dogs these can enter the city and attack man and animal.
Dr. Wael Abd El Monem, environmental ecologist Cairo University supports this point of view and asks for adopting a study and description of this mammal, environmental description about the so called mammal named "Salawa", studying what made this mammal appear, why is it attacking people, adding that extermination of stray dogs would result in a generation of wild dogs which may defensively act against extermination.
original link in arabic:
Update Nov. 4, 2008
Two weeks ago the newspapers highlighted the incident of 2 persons
attacked by a mammal (dog species) in Aswan.
The Governor of Aswan formed a committee of:
Gen Vet Services Department
Health department
National Council for Women
headed by Dr. Omar Mohamadein
the mammal description: rare legs long, two canines showing off
clearly. Three of these mammals were shot, even though the Governor
ordered the 4 main units of Aswan to carry on shooting and poisoning
stray dogs. Already 1300 dogs were killed and the massacre is
continuing in Aswan. What is feared is that more Governors may
follow these same methods to avoid this mammal.
It is well known that stray dogs are the main defense of cities
especially if surrounded by desert, dogs prevents wild species from
entering cities, e.g. In Sirilanka when dog massacre was made
leopards entered the city and attacked people.
1200 dogs were killed
budget: 15000 Egyptian Pounds to buy poison of strychnine
25000 Egyptian pounds for shooting
Action taken:
Necessary contacts were made to alert the public, the Ahram
newspaper correspondence in Aswan will high light the issue
Contacts with Dr. Hoda Mustafa NATINAL COOUNCIL FOR WOMEN was made
to alert about the crises of echo system
contacts with conservation unit, Ministry of Environment were made.
Contacts with ecologists Faculty of Science Cairo University was made to provide complete documents to the authorities, Govs, newspaper and all media concerned parties
High alert as promised would be published by the Ahram newspaper.
Update July 29, 2008
Legislation has been submitted to Ministry of Agriculture but was refused claiming there was a redundancy. Another trial to submit legislation through Vetrinary College is currently underway.
AWAR group has scheduled regular awareness campaigns at Giza Zoo (50 to 90 thousand Egyptians visit the zoo during weekends). Regular awareness events are organized by AWAR in coalition of all AW organizations and groups are participating. Awareness to stop cruelty is our only mean now to stop the abuse.
Up date 18 Nov. 2007 - Thanks to WSPA Dr. Nick De Souza -- Animal welfare awareness research in Egypt
Animal Welfare Awareness Research in Egypt was created on 14 September. The group was formed from various animal organizations in Egypt after a meeting with WSPA in Cairo the same day upon the advice of Dr. Nick De Souza to keep track and discuss the next achievable goal . The purpose of forming this group is to circulate and discuss the possible achievable goals in relation to animal rights protection in Egypt.
the AWAR yahoo group delivered a question to the Formal Opinion at the AZHAR "dar al
eftaa", and as per submitted request by hand registered 1723
His Eminence the Mufti
formal opinion
listen yourself, call 107 Dar El Eftaa
refer to question #821881
listen to the answer
Up date 22 Sept - Dr. Nick De Souza set a meeting in Cairo on the 14 th Sept with the animal welfare organizations in Egypt. Addressing the government in Egypt is not an easy goal to achieve in the near future however WSPA was ready to fund achievable targets.
We agreed on creating Animal Welfare Awareness Research in Egypt Group to discuss our next goal for another set meeting in Cairo on the 14th Nov.
Animal welfare awareness research in Egypt
Up date 13 June - Attempts to address the committees concerned in the parliament failed, as each claimed it was not the authorized (agriculture, health and environment, interior).
We addressed the MP of Qasr El Nil area, who promised to submit our demands to the Egyptian Parliament upon his return from a trip on the 19th. In parallel we are trying to contact the MP Essam Mokhtar of Heliopolis and Nasr City who has already raised a speed up manifesto to Ahmed Nazif the Cabinet Minister at the people's assembly Egyptian Parliament on 2 June 2007 condemning the cruel acts of shooting and poisoning street dogs. pls see: http://ikhwansharq.com/news.php?ID_a=1102
Up date 23 May - WSPA remains committed
Dear Dina
Re; Cairo Dog Control
Thank you for writing to us.
WSPA have been involved in trying to address the dog shooting and poisoning issue in Cairo for about ten years, much of that time in collaboration with your organisation SPARE.
Unfortunately success has been very limited, primarily due the complex and extensive nature of the problem. Initially WSPA coordinated a campaign encouraging an international audience, particularly past or potential tourists to Egypt, to petition the government to stop shooting and poisoning dogs, explaining that they found it despicable and would not come to Egypt if it did not cease. This worked to an extent as the risk of loosing tourist revenue prompted the government to open discussions with Animal Welfare groups one of which was WSPA.
The government then invited WSPA to show them how to tackle the problem in a humane way. Conferences & workshops were held to sensitise the authorities about the issues of dog control and to highlight to them the futility & inhumanity of mass extermination.
A pilot programme was then started in the Abissiya vet clinic in collaboration with the GOVS to prove to the authorities that the suggested alternatives worked. The pilot failed for a number of reasons, the most important being the lack of commitment and motivation on the part of GOVS. This however was not the sole reason. The fact remains that in order to achieve genuine dog control; a number of different interventions need to be carried out simultaneously.
In addition to mass sterilisation these should include; finding out where exactly the stray dogs are actually coming from and then trying to address the cause, solid waste management, education, improved legislation and better enforcement to ensure that it is maintained. This did not happen!
As you can see the investment needed to successfully control the Cairo dog issue is huge and unless the responsible authorities make a genuine effort to address it, it is impossible for any charitable organisation to tackle the issue unilaterally. It is therefore very important to try and get the government to buy-in to the concept and not just pay it lip service.
I won’t even try to explain to you as an Egyptian the size of this task but suffice to say that it will be a long hard road, one on which you have bravely take the first steps.
WSPA remains committed to reducing cruelty in every part of the world and considering our long history of involvement in Cairo we would undoubtedly step forward once more but this time we would only engage with the government if we believed the commitment from the authority was genuine.
I hope my sagacity does not deflate your noble efforts but rather clarifies where you need to focus and in particular gives you an idea of the key components of a holistic dog control programme as this is needed to make a long term impact on the issue.
With best regards
Dr. Nick de Souza
Regional Director – África
World Society for the Protection of Animals
PO Box 105476 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Up date 22 May - According to SPARE (sparealife.org) report by Mona Khalil: Poisoning dogs reported in Mohandessin area in Cairo May 21st. I was optimistic, but seems that the Egyptian President's statement published on the 18th May "the President called for applying humane international measures in dealing with stray animals instead of shooting and poisoning" was misunderstood!
On behalf of all animal lovers in the world I would like to show my gratitude and appreciation for all those who signed the petition and made our voices heard, without each and every one of you nothing could have happened. Together we are strong.
Friday 18 May - First step towards victory, thanks to all - we will continue our petition, this time to address the Egyptian Parliament.
Egyptian news paper The almasry-alyoum Egyptian newspaper published: Official sources in the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture confirmed that the Egyptian President asked the Egyptian Minister of Agriculture to prepare a report about stray dogs in Egypt, and to open an investigation into reports published by various press and animal welfare organizations appalling the practice of shooting and poisoning.
The sources added that the President called for applying humane international measures in dealing with stray animals instead of shooting and poisoning which detracts from Egypt's status as a land of culture and center of tourism.
It is expected that the Egyptian Minister of Agriculture would issue strict instructions to the veterinary medicine department in govern orates in coordination with public utility police force to apply humane methods (vaccination) instead of shooting and poisoning.
In context the Animal welfare organizations in Egypt is considering a call for an urgent meeting tomorrow, Saturday to discuss the sequences of the use of inhumane methods which has been prohibited internationally, besides escalating the applaud and issuing a brief, pleading calling the Egyptian President Hosny Mubarak to issue an order to stop the shooting and poisoning of stray animals.
Bridget Bar dot had sent a fax to Egyptian President Hosny Mubarak to interfere in the mass slaughtering of Egyptian dogs and called the Egyptian government to use humane methods instead of shooting and poisoning.
Wednesday 16 May
Petition daily update is emailed on daily basis to the ministries concerned in Egypt. Amina Abaza -the chairman of Society for animal protection in Egypt sparealife.org - delivered by hand with receipt our requests to the Ministers of Egypt on the 15th of May. No response up till now. A half page ad will be published Saturday 19th May at one of the most read newspapers in Egypt "Akhbar Al Yawm"..
Mr. Ahmed El Sherbiny Chairman of Animal Friends in Egypt has sent faxes to the ministries of Egypt calling them to take action and to stop the brutal cruelty of dog slaughtering.
SPARE received no reports of shooting today.
Tuesday 15th May
Shooting continues in Mohandessin district of Cairo
Sunday 13th May, Slaughtering continues Andrea went down to feed the dogs as usual, as the past 10 months since she had been in Cairo, she found 2 of them dead beside each other, the other two were not in sight, on my way to her home after she called me in hysteria not believing this happened , I spotted the two, I went down and got one of them , I had the power and the determination to get her and I just carried her from the street unfortunately the other big one ran away, we tried to spot him again an hour later he showed up, it seems he was trying to look for his friends , he found them dead, he smelled them and stood there, I tried to catch it on camera but it was not good it was already dark and I hardly could get the other photos that I will send later, Andrea tried to call him but he just left immediately on the opposite way, and god knows where he will be or what will happen ,we will try to locate him but I do not know what will happen, while standing to take pictures another couple of foreigner passed by us and said this is the third time this week they see such a scene , dogs shot on the corners of streets.
Andrea is devastated, I do not know till when I will be able to hold on, they killed the kindest two of them, the one I caught is also very kind but rather new than the other ones. they were killed in the morning according to porters in the area, they were already blowing and smelly when I got there to take pictures For those of you who do not know who is Andrea, she is the famous American/ gernan woman who adopted our big boy lord, and wrote Lord tales when she adopted him, she is also dog trainer and has been helping us for a while now, she also did our spare leaflet and was working on another for the massacre that happened at Haram area two days ago when this was happening to her dogs , it is even astonishing as it is known that no shooting is allowed in residential areas where foreigners specially Americans are living.
The madness is going on and will not stop ,sine once again we called the municipality and comaplained trying to know whose orders was it this time and the reply came that we should not bother calling ,they will continue to shoot and consider it their mission. witnessed by: Mona Khalil
On Friday 11th May, This female pregnant bitch was shot today at 1,15 in the afternoon in " Sahl Hamza " street , in Pyramids road , 15 minutes aftter being shot she was still alive and was shaking , the witnesses tried to help but it was too late. Only one bullet to kill each dog , this mother was shot in her belly ,we have the pictures ..look at the pictures. This is how we reduce dog's population in Egypt.
An alternate solution has been handed to the Egyptian Government, without baring any costs.. yet the offer was denied.
We the animal lovers together with SOCIETY FOR ANIMAL RIGHTS PROTECTION IN EGYPT registered as a charitable organization with the Egyptian Ministry of Social Affairs Registration No. 1615 (2001) believe that Killing street dogs and cats is inhumane and does not go well with our cultural ethos of love and compassion for animals.
Addressing: Cabinet of Ministers Minister Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Mahmoud Mohammed Nazif, Ministry of Tourism
Minister Mr. Mohamed Zohair Mohamed Wahid Garana
Foreign Affairs , Minister Mr. Ahmed Ali Ahmed Abou Elgheit, Ministry of Culture Minister Mr. Farouk Abd El-Aziz Housny, Ministry of Health and Population , Minister Dr. Hatem Mostafa Mostafa El-Gabaly Ministry of Interior affairs, Minister General Habib Ibrahim Habib El Adly
Ministry of State for Environment Affairs, Minister Eng. Maged George Elias Ghattas, Minister of Agricutlure
Mr. Amin Abaza, e-mail: drfadia@hotmail.com , Ministry of Interior affairs Habib Ibrahim Habib El Adly, El Sheikh Rihan St.Cairo, postal code: 11641, Phone no. 7959111
Fax 7960682, E-mail center@iscmi.gov.eg
We wish to emphasize the importance of enforcement of the new animal welfare law submitted 3 years ago, and we are calling to stop cruel practices against animals and stopping the poisoning and dog shooting and applying instead the neuter/vaccine/release system which has previously been applied successfully in India, 70000 dogs have been neutered, vaccined and released.
The many volunteer workers and supporters are concerned that the new legislation submitted since 2004 is not being treated with the seriousness it deserves. Many cases of animal cruelty continue to be reported with little evidence to date of prosecutions.
The animal protection organization SPARE are willing to assist the police in investigating cases of animal cruelty, and arranging appropriate training for law enforcement officers.
The vast majority of Egyptian Cultured people are horrified at this mass slaughter of dogs, they believe that a sterilisation programme is an effective method for controlling the number of street dogs.
Considering the WSPA offer since May 2002
(World Society for animal protection has made a proposal to the Egyptian Government to apply the spay/neuter program voluntarily (without any debts) but the proposal was refused!!
External links:
Sandra Husain (The Canadian witness petition)
South Devon
Greyhound Action http://www.linpaul.com/sdga/sdgaalert.html
The Canadian Voice For Animals have made some pages for the Dogs of Egypt
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Stop the mass slaughtering of street dogs in Egypt petition to Cabinet of Ministers, concerned Governmental parties was written by Dina Zulfikar and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.